
ကီဿ္ပယီၯနီဿ္တယဿ္တစိၯဘဢ္တစိၯစးထီဢ္ ၁၃၀၀-၂၀၁၀


တဿ္စံဢ္စိၯတဲစိၯတဿ္မၯနီဢ္တခါအံၯဘဢ္တဿ္ကြဲးဟံးန့ဿ္အီၯလဿ ႃႃအမ်ိဴးသားညီညြတ္
ေရးပါတီ႗႗တဿ္ကြဲးပူၯဒီးဘဢ္တဿ္က်ိာ္ထံက့ၯအီၯ တသ့ဖဲအသ့ဒ္အၾကဿး၀ဲဘဢ္၀ဲအသိး
လီၯ.တဿ္ကြဲးက်ိာ္ထံတခါအံၯမ့ဿ္တလဿပွဲၯဒီး မ့ဿ္တတုၯထီဢ္ထီဢ္ဘးသနာ္က့ယဆိက
မိဢ္ကကဲထီဢ္တဿ္ဘ်ဴးတဿ္ဖွိဢ္တဆံးတက့ဿ္ဒီးအလီဿ္အိဢ္၀ဲလဿပ၀ဲကညီဖိ တစိၯဘဢ္
တစိၯ ကသ့ဢ္ညါက့ၯပယီၯတဖဢ္အတဿ္ကူဢ္အဿကူဢ္သီဒီးအတဿ္ပာ္သးလဿပ၀ဲကညီ



ဒ္ပပာ္ဖ်ါလဿထးအသိးပ၀ဲကညီဖိ တဖဢ္ပဟဲတုၯလီၯလဿထံတဘ့ဢ္ကီဿ္တဘ့ဢ္အံၯလဿ
ခဲအံၯဘဢ္တဿ္ကိးအီၯလဿကီဿ္ပယီၯအဆိကတဿဿ္ဒီးပိာ္လီၯ ပ့်ဢ္လိာ္က်ိ, ကီၯလိာ္က်ိဒီး
ဃိဢ္လိာ္က်ိ တဿ္ပဿၯခိဢ္တဖဢ္သကုၯဆးဒး, ဖံးအီဢ္ကစုဒုမၯအီဢ္ ကစုဒုလဿတဿ္သဘ့်
အပူၯအနံဢ္၂၀၀ ဘ်ဲဢ္ဒီး ကလုာ္ဂၯတဖဢ္ဟဲႏုာ္လီၯ၀ဲန့ဢ္လီၯ. ယိၯတဖဢ္ဟဲႏုာ္လီၯဆိဒီး
ကဲာ္ဆိးဘဢ္.ပယီၯတဖဢ္ဟဲႏုာ္လီၯဒီးသူဢ္ထီဢ္အခူအ၀့ဿ္အဘီအမုဿ္ဖဲတကီ (တေကာင္း) လဿကီဿ္ပယီၯထးခီအဃိလဿအခီဢ္ထံးတဿ္ဘဢ္ဂံာ္ဂူာ္ဒီးကညီဖိတဖဢ္တအိဢ္အါကဲာ္ဆိး

နစ္) ဒီးဆီဢ္ဘံဢ္ဆီဢ္ဘဿပ၀ဲကညီတဖဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.လဿခံက့ၯမိဢ္ဒီးပယီၯစီၯပၯ (ဟီဢ္ခိဢ္က
စဿ္တဖဢ္) ဒုးလိာ္ယၯလိာ္အသးဒီးမၯနဿၯမၯဃဢ္လိာ္အသးယဿ္ခီယဿ္ခီတုၯလီၯလဿပယီၯ
စီၯပၯအလီဖယါအစိၯဒီး မၯနဿၯမိဢ္တဖဢ္အဃိကညီဘဢ္တဿ္ဆီဢ္ဘံဢ္ဆီဢ္ဘဿအီၯလဿပ

(က) ဟီဢ္ခိဢ္ကစဿ္သႏူ
လုာ္အဂၯဒံးကညီခႜီ, ကခႜ့ဢ္ဒီးကလုာ္အဂၯတဖဢ္န့ဢ္ဟီဢ္ခိဢ္ကစဿ္သႏူတကဲဒိဢ္၀ဲထဲန့ဢ္ဘဢ္.
ဟီဢ္ခိဢ္ကစဿ္သႏူ (Feudalish) မ့ဿ္သႏူလဿအဆီဢ္ဘံဢ္ဆီဢ္ဘဿတဿ္န့ဢ္ဟဲအသးဒ္အံၯလီၯ.
ပွၯလဿအဒိဢ္စိဒီးပဿတဿ္စီၯပၯန့ဢ္မ့ဿ္ ထံကစဿ္ကီဿ္ကစဿ္ (ေရေျမျပည့္ရွင္) ဟီဢ္ခိဢ္ဒီးထံနိ
လဿအစုပူၯ, ဟီဢ္ခိဢ္ကပံာ္ဒီးတဿ္အိဢ္လဿအဖီခိဢ္တဖဢ္မ့ဿ္အ၀ဲအတဿ္ခဲလဿာ္အဃိသတးဒီး

(၁) ပွၯလဿအပဿတဿ္ဒီးပွၯလဿအဘဢ္တဿ္ပဿအီၯ
(၂) ပွၯလဿအပဿတဿ္တဖဢ္မ့ဿ္ဟီဢ္ခိဢ္ကစဿ္, ပွၯလဿတဿ္ပဿအီၯတဖဢ္မ့ဿ္ဟီဢ္ခိဢ္အကုဿ္အ

ကလုာ္ဂၯလဿအပဿဘဢ္၀ဲတဖဢ္ခဲလဿာ္လီၯ. ပွၯလဿအပဿတဿ္တဖဢ္အိဢ္ဒီး တဿ္စိတဿ္ကမီၯ,
ခိဢ္ကစဿ္တဖဢ္ဘဢ္ဘီဢ္ဘဢ္ညီ အိဢ္မုာ္အိဢ္ခုဢ္ဖဲပွၯဘဢ္တဿ္ပဿအီၯကုဿ္ပွၯတဖဢ္ဘဢ္ဖွီဢ္ဘဢ္
ယာ္,ဘဢ္ကီဘဢ္ခဲဲ, ဖွီဢ္တုာ္ကီတုာ္, နးတုာ္န့ဢ္လီၯ. ဟီဢ္ခိဢ္ကစဿ္ပဿတဿ္တဖဢ္အိဢ္ဒီးတဿ္သး

အသးဟီဢ္ခိဢ္ကစဿ္ဒီး ဟီဢ္ခိဢ္ကုဿ္ပွၯတဿ္ဒုးတဿ္ယၯ အိဢ္ထီဢ္စ့ဿ္ကီးန့ဢ္လီၯ.ကလုာ္ကဒဲကဒဲ
အတဿ္သူဢ္ထီဢ္သးဟ့လိာ္သး (လူမ်ဴိးေရးမုန္းတီးမု) တဖဢ္အိဢ္ထီဢ္ဒိဢ္ထီဢ္၀ဲဒဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.

(ခ) ကညီဖိလဿဟီဢ္ခိဢ္ကစဿ္သႏူဖီလာ္
ဃီပွၯဒီပုဿ္၀ဲဿ္တံဿ္နီဿ္ အသိးတနဿ္ပဿဿ္ တဿ္အတီၯပတီဿ္, တနဿ္ပဿဿ္တဿ္ ဆီဢ္ဘံဢ္ဆီဢ္ဘဿ
ဘ့ဢ္ကီဿ္တဘ့ဢ္အံၯအပူၯလဿ ကလုာ္ဂၯအမဲာ္ညါဒီး မၯကလုဿ္အီဢ္ကစုလဿတဿ္သဘ့်အပူၯ
အနံဢ္ခံကယၯဘ်ဲဢ ္ဒီးကလုာ္ဂၯဒံးမိဢ္, ပယီၯ တဖဢ္ဟဲႏုာ္မၯနဿၯမၯဃဢ္ပွၯကညီတဖဢ္မၯ
ကဲကုဿ္ပွၯကညီဖိတဖဢ္လီၯ. ပွၯကညီဖိတဖဢ္ဘဢ္ကဲကုဿ္ အိဢ္ဘဢ္လဿကလုာ္ဂၯစုတီၯအဖီ
လာ္အနံဢ္ခံကထိဃဢ္ဃဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ. တဿ္စံးကတိၯဒီးလုဿ္လဿ္ လဿလာ္တဖဢ္အံၯပာ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္က

(၁) သ့ဢ္ခိဢ္ဆဿဢ္ဧီဿ္က်ဢ္ပွၯကညီဖိဧီဿ္ဃ့ဿ္ (သစ္ငုပ္လဲေဆြးကရင္လဲေျပး)
ပာ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္၀ဲဒဢ္လဿကညီတဖဢ္ဟဲတုၯလီၯကီဿ္အံၯ ဖဲးခုးဖဲးသံဢ္က်ီလီၯတဿ္လီဿ္တဿ္က်ဲ
က်ဢ္ထီဢ္,စံာ္ပွဲၯဂ့ၯထီဢ္ကအီဢ္ ဘဢ္အီဘဢ္ ၀ဲဂ့ၯဂ့ၯ အခါကလုာ္ဂၯတဖဢ္ ဟဲဒုးမၯနဿၯ
အီၯအဃိဘဢ္ပာ္တ့ဿ္အတဿ္အိဢ္တဿ္ဆိးအလီဿ္ အဟီဢ္ခိဢ္ကပံာ္တဖဢ္ဒီး ဃ့ဿ္ထီဢ္ကြံာ္
၀ဲစုယဿ္ခီဧိၯလဿတဿ္အိဢ္မူအိဢ္ဂဲၯအဂီဿ္န့ဢ္လီၯ. အ၀ဲအံၯမ့ဿ္တဿ္မၯနဿၯမၯဃဢ္ဂုာ္ဆူဢ္

(၂) ထြံဢ္၀ဲးဘဿထီးခီဢ္လီဿ္
အ၀ဲအံၯမ့ဿ္တဿ္တဲ၀ဲလဿပွၯတဂၯအိဢ္ဒီးအထြံဢ္တဒုဒီးအထီးတဒုလီၯ. တနံၯတခီဢ္ထီးတ
ဒုမၯတဿ္ဒီနံၯညါလဿခုးပူၯကပဿၯကနံယြၯတဿ္ဘွံးတဿ္တီၯဒီး တုၯမုဿ္ခုဢ္လီၯတခီထြံဢ္တ
သးခုလဿတဿ္လဿပပွၯကညီဖိတဖဢ္မၯ၀ဲအဖီခိဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ. အ၀ဲအံၯမ့ဿ္တဿ္တတီတလိၯတ

(၃) သဢ္ကိဿ္ကြံထူးပ့်ၯထံလီၯ, ပယီၯအီဢ္လဲလိာ္ပကီဿ္
လြဲဿ္ဂီၯဘီကျတ့ဢ္မးဒီး လီၯအီဢ္လီၯအီဒိဢ္မးလီၯ. ဘဢ္ဆဢ္ဆံဢ္တကြဿ္မုဿ္ကြဿ္လါဘဢ္. ထါ
အံၯမ့ဿ္ထါဟ့ဢ္တဿ္အဒိလီၯ. တမ့ဿ္လဿပယီၯဒုးနဲဢ္ကညီလဿသဢ္ကိဿ္ကြံသဢ္ ဒီးကညီတဖဢ္
အီရီာ္အဃိလဲလိာ္၀ဲလဿအကီဿ္န့ဢ္ဘဢ္. အဂ့ဿ္ဒ္အံၯ သဢ္ကိဿ္ကြံမဲထီဢ္ဒဢ္အတဿ္ဒီးအိဢ္လဿ
ကစဿဿ္က်ါဒီး တအိဢ္လဿပဿၯခိဢ္ဘ့လာ္ဘဢ္. ထါအခီပညီတခီမ့ဿ္ကညီတဖဢ္ဘဢ္တဿ္လံဢ္
တဿ္လီန့ဿ္အီၯ,လြဲန့ဿ္ပယြဲန့ဿ္အီၯလဿပယီၯတဖဢ ္လဿတဿ္လ့ပစီတဿ္သူဢ္လီသးကြံတဖဢ္ဒီး

သဢ္ကိဿ္ကြံတဿ္ဆံဢ္လဿအလီၯအီဢ္လီၯအီဒုုး လီၯ ပထူးပ့်ၯထံမ့ဿ္ တဿ္လ့ပစီတဖဢ္ဒ္သံးဧိၯ
ဂာ္ဧိၯတဿ္မူၯတဿ္ဘွီး, တဿ္တၯက်ိဢ္တၯစ့ (ပီဢ္) လီၯတဿ္ဖိတဿ္လံၯဒီးတဿ္ကလုဿ္ကလိၯတ
ဖဢ္လဿအပယြဲန့ဿ္လံဢ္န့ဿ္ကညီဖိ တဖဢ္အါမးလီၯ. လံဢ္န့ဿ္အတဿ္ထူးတဿ္တီၯ, အစုလီဿ္ခီဢ္
ခိဢ္ဟီဢ္ခိဢ္ကပံာ္, အဒူသ၀ီအတဿ္အိဢ္တဿ္ဆိးလီဿ္ပဿဿ္လဿအထံအကီဿ္ဒဢ္လဲာ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.
ပွဲၯလီဿ္ဒူသ၀ီဆူ ပယီၯအစုပူၯအိဢ္တစွၯစ့ဿ္ကီးဘဢ္.  အ၀ဲအံၯမ့ဿ္ တဿ္လံဢ္တဿ္လီတဿ္ပယြဲ

တဿ္ဒုးမၯနဿၯအီၯ, တဿ္မၯကဲကုဿ္အီၯ, တဿ္မၯသံမၯ၀ီ, တဿ္မၯတရီတပါအီၯ ဘဢ္ဟ့ဢ္တဿ္
ခိတဿ္သြဲအကလုာ္ကလုာ္ဒိဢ္ဒိဢ္ဃဿဃဿ, ဘဢ္ဟ့ဢ္ဆဢ္ဖိကီဿ္ဖိတဿ္အီဢ္တဿ္အီပကူပကညီ

တန့ဿ္တဿ္ခြဲးတဿ္ယာ္လဿတဿ္ျပဿတဿ္ျပး တဿ္ဖံးအီဢ္မၯ အီဢ္နီတမံၯဘဢ္. တဿ္သဘ့်တအိဢ္
လ့ၯတက့ဿ္ဒီးတန့ဿ္တဿ္အတီၯတုၯသိး (တန္းတူေရး) နီတစဲးဘဢ္.

အဒိ (၁) လဿတဿ္ဘွီဟံဢ္ဃီ တဿ္အိဢ္တဿ္ဆိးလီဿ္ အဂီဿ္ဘဢ္ဘွီအိဢ ္ဒဢ္္ထဲဟံဢ္ကးျပဲးလီၯ.
ကညီကီဿ္န့ဢ္သ့ဢ္ဂ့ၯ၀ဢ္ဂ့ၯအါသနာ္က့ ကညီတဖဢ္ဘွီအိဢ္ဒဢ္ဟံဢ္၀ဢ္ကးျပဲးက်ဿၯက်ဿၯတ
က်ၯက်ဿၯအဒူဢ္အဒါတဂ့ၯဘဢ္. အဂ့ဿ္ဒ္အံၯလဿ ဟီဢ္ခိဢ္ကစဿ္သႏူ အစိၯကညီတဖဢ္တဘွီ

အဒိ (၂) ကညီတဖဢ္တဘုဢ္ဘဢ္ဆဢ္ဖိကီဿ္ဖိ အါအါဒ္အသးအိဢ္အသိးဘဢ္. သရဢ္ထံသဢ္ပႜဢ္
ဖူသူ၀ဲလဿကသံဢ္ဒီတဒု,က်ဲးစဿးမၯ၀ဲသနာ္က့လဿခံဖ်ါထီဢ္ဒီး ပယီၯတဖဢ္စိာ္ကြံာ္ပနဿ္၀ါဒီးမၯ
ဘဿမၯကြဿ္သါဖုဘဢ္တီဢ္ဘဢ္တဿ္အီဢ္လီးအီၯဒိဢ္ဒိဢ္မုာ္မုာ္န့ဢ္လီၯ. အဃိသတးဒီး ကညီဖိတ
ကြံာ္ဆူကစဿဿ္ကလိက်ါထံခံကြာ္စိးပွဿ္မုဿ္ကနဿယံၯဒီး မိဢ္, ပယီၯတဖဢ္လီၯ.


(၁) တဿ္အဲဢ္တဿ္တီတဿ္လိၯ, ဒီးမၯတဿ္တီတဿ္လိၯ, တဟုဢ္တဘ်ဢ္တကတိၯတဿ္တတီတ

(၂) တဿ္အဲဢ္တဿ္စီတဿ္ဆွံသးဟ့တဿ္သရူးကမဢ္သးဘဢ္အဿတဿ္မၯတစီတဆွံဒ္တဿ္ကလုဿ္

(၃) တဿ္အဲဢ္ပုဿ္အဲဢ္၀ဲဿ္, တဿ္တပာ္ဒိဢ္ပာ္ထီပာ္လီၯဆီလိာ္အသးဘဢ္. ဟံဢ္ကစဿ္ဒီးအပွၯမၯ
တဿ္ဖိတဖဢ္အီဢ္သကိးမၯသကိး, အီဢ္သကိးမံသကိးဒ္သိးသိးတပာ္လီၯဆီလိာ္အသးဘဢ္.

(၄) တဿ္ဖံးသကိးမၯသကိး, တဿ္မၯဒိးမၯကဢ္တပာ္လီၯဆီပွၯအဂံဿ္ဆူဢ္ဒီးပွၯအဂံဿ္စဿ္, ဖိသဢ္
ဒီးသးပွဿ္, ပိာ္မုဢ္ဒီးပိာ္ခြါလဿတဿ္မၯအပူၯဘဢ္. ပွၯဟဲမၯဒိးတဿ္တဂၯမ့မ့ဿ္ဖိသဢ္ဒဢ္လဲာ္ပာ္၀ဲဒံး

(၅) တဿ္သူဢ္တီသးရၯ, သးတီလိာ္အသး,  သးတီဒီးအဟံဢ္ဖိဃီဖိ, အတံၯသကိးအသိဢ္အမွံၯ
တုၯလဿတမွံၯတပ်ီၯလီၯ. တဿ္သ့ဢ္တဖဢ္အံၯမ့ဿ္ပကညီဖိအတဿ္ဂ့ၯတဿ္၀ါဖးဒိဢ္တဖဢ္လဿပ


Longest Struggle Pu Ki Doh Part -4

Longest Struggle Pu Ki Doh Part-3


(က) ကီဿ္ပယီၯခီဢ္မႜဴဢ္နံးပဢ္တံဢ္ဖိတဖဢ္အတဿ္ထီဒါက့ၯ (ဖဆပလ) ပဒိဢ္
ဖဲ ၉၄၇နံဢ္ လါအီးကထိဘဿဢ္အပူၯ (ဖဆပလ) ပဒိဢ္ခဿဢ္စးအူးႏူးဒီးအဲကလံးပဒိဢ္ကိတိာ္ခိဢ္က်ဿဿ္
န့ဢ္လီၯ.အဃိဖဲ၁၉၄၈နံဢ္လါယႏူၯအါရံၯ (၄)သီအနံၯန့ဢ္ကီဿ္ပယီၯဒိးန့ဿ္က့ၯတဿ္သဘ့်လဿအဲက

သူဢ္အီၯဖဲ ၁၉၃၉နံဢ္လါအီကူး (၁၅) သီအနံၯန့ဢ္လီၯ. ပွၯဒုးအိဢ္ထီဢ္ကရဿအံၯမ့ဿ္၀ဲသခ့ဢ္စိန့ဢ္လီၯ.

ကီဿ္ပယီၯခီဢ္မႜဴဢ္နံးပဢ္တံဢ္ကရဿအံၯလီၯဖး၀ဲခံဖုဖဲ ၁၉၄၆နံဢ္လါဖ့ၯျဘူၯအါရံၯအပူၯန့ဢ္လီၯ.အခီဢ္
ထံးတဖုအံၯသခ့ဢ္စိတီခိဢ္ရိဢ္မဲ၀ဲဒီးဒုးကဲထီဢ္နီဿ္တယဿ္ဂီၯခီဢ္မႜဴဢ္နံဢ္ပဢ္တံဢ္လီၯ.လဿသခ့ဢ္သါထိ တီခိဢ္ရိဢ္မဲ၀ဲတခီမ့ဿ္ကီဿ္ပယီၯခီဢ္မႜဴဢ္နံးပဢ္တံဢ္ (ဗကပ) န့ဢ္လီၯ.

ပယီၯ ခီဢ္မႜဴဢ္နံးပဢ္တံဢ္ စံး၀ဲလဿတဿ္သဘ့်အံၯမ့ဿ္တဿ္သဘ့်အဘ်ဢ္အဃိ ဖဲ၁၉၄၈နံဢ္ လါမးရွး
(၂၈) သီအနံၯကီဿ္ပယီၯခီဢ္မႜဴဢ္နံးပဢ္တံဢ္ႏုာ္လီၯဆူပွဿ္ပူၯဒီးပဿဿ္ဆဿထီဒါကဒါက့ၯ (ဖဆပလ) ပ

ဖဲ ၁၉၄၈နံဢ္လါယူၯ(၁၃)သီအနံၯန့ဢ္အူႏူးပာ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္အတဿ္ဂ့ဿ္ခိဢ္သ့ဢ္ (၁၅)ဘီလဿထံကီဿ္အတဿ္
ဃူတဿ္ဖိးအဂီဿ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.လဿတဿ္ပာ္ဖ်ါအဖီခိဢ္တဿ္ကတိၯအါအိဢ္ထီဢ္၀ဲလဿ (ဖဆပလ) ဒီး (PCP) 
People’s Comrade Party)အဃိသုးခိဢ္ဖိကိ(ဖိုးကြန္း)တီခိဢ္ရိဢ္မဲတဖဢ္ႏုာ္လီၯဆူပွဿ္ပူၯဒီးထီဒါက
ဒါက့ၯ(ဖဆပလ)န့ဢ္လီၯ.ဒ္န့ဢ္အသိးဖဲ ၁၉၄၈နံဢ္လါအီကူး ပူၯပယီၯသုးမုဿ္နီဿ္ဂ့ဿ္ (၁) ဒီးပယီၯသုး
မုဿ္နီဿ္ဂံဿ္ (၃) တဖဢ္ထီဒါကဒါက့ၯ(ဖဆပလ) ပဒိဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.အဆဿကတီဿ္ဖဲန့ဢ္လဿ (ဖဆပလ) ပ

(ခ) ကညီကမ်ဿဿ္ပာ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္အတဿ္ဘဢ္သး
 ကီဿ္ပယီၯတဿ္သဘ့်န့ဿ္ သနာ္က့ကညီဖိတဖဢ္ ဃ့၀ဲလဿတဿ္ကဟ့ဢ္ ကညီကီဿ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.(ဖဆပလ) 
အတဿ္မၯဘဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ. KNU ကရဿတီဢ္ထီဢ္လံာ္ပတံဆူ (ဖဆပလ) ပဒိဢ္အိဢ္ဖဲ၁၉၄၈ နံဢ္လါဖ့ၯၾဘူၯအါရံၯ(၃) သီဒ္သိးတဿ္ကဟ့ဢ္ကညီကီဿ္အံၯဒီးတဿ္ကစံးဆဿကဒါက့ၯတခ်ဴးလဿလါမး
ရွး (၃)သီဘဢ္ဒံးဘဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ. 

ဃ့အဂီဿ္န့ဢ္ KNU တီခိဢ္ရိဢ္မဲ၀ဲလဿတဿ္ကဒုးနဲဢ္ကညီကမ်ဿဿ္ခဲလဿာ္တဖဢ္အတဿ္ပာ္ဖ်ါအသးဖဲ 
ဒီဘ့ဢ္အပူၯပာ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္အသးလဿအသးလီကညီကီဿ္သဘ်႔န့ဢ္လီၯ. လဿတဿ္ပာ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္သးတဘ်ီအံၯအိဢ္ဒီးတဿ္ကိးသျတီ (၄)ထံဢ္လဿအမ့ဿ္၀ဲ…


တဿ္ကိးသျတီ (၄)ထံဢ္အံၯလဿထံရူဿ္ကီဿ္သဲးအက်ိၯမ့ဿ္တဿ္သဘ့်,တဿ္တီၯတုၯသိးသိး,တဿ္မုာ္တဿ္
ခုဢ္အက်ဲတဖဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ. ကညီဖိအတဿ္ပာ္ဖ်ါတဿ္ဘဢ္သးတဘ်ီအံၯတမ့ဿ္တဿ္ဟးကိးပသီတဿ္ဘဢ္ မ့မ့ဿ္တဿ္ကိးသျတီတဖဢ္လဿအဘဢ္တဿ္ကြဲးအီၯလဿတဿ္ကံးညာ္ဖးလဲဿ္အလိၯတဿ္စိာ္အီၯလဿတဿ္


တဿ္ပာ္ဖ်ါသးတဘ်ီအံၯ (ဖဆပလ) ပဒိဢ္တဖဢ္ဂုာ္က်ဲးစဿးမၯတံာ္တာ္လဿက်ဲအဘိဘိလီၯ.ဘဢ္ဆဢ္
ခဲလဿာ္ပထံဢ္ဘဢ္လဿပာ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္အသးန့ဢ္လီၯ.နံၯအ၀ဲန့ဢ္ကညီဖိ လြံဿ္ကလီဿ္ဘ်ဲဢ္ပာ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္အသး
န့ဢ္လီၯ.လဿကီဿ္ပယီၯအတဿ္စံဢ္စိၯတဲစိၯအပူၯကညီတဿ္ ပာ္ဖ်ါသးလဿအအိဢ္ဒီးတဿ္ဒိကနဢ္တဿ္
ဃူတဿ္ဖိးအဒိဢ္ကတဿဿ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.ကညီဖိတဿ္ဒုးနဲဢ္ပာ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္ သးတဘ်ီအံၯအိဢ္ ဒီးထံရူဿ္ကီဿ္သဲးအ

၁.မ့ဿ္တဿ္ထိဢ္ဂဲၯထီဢ္ကညီဖိတဖဢ္လဿထံရူဿ္ကီဿ္သဲးအတဿ္ထံဢ္, တဿ္အဲဢ္ထံကီဿ္ဒီးတဿ္သဘ်႔
၂.မ့ဿ္တဿ္ပာ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္ကညီတဖဢ္အတဿ္ဃူတဿ္ဖိး, တဿ္ဒိကနဢ္

(ဂ) KNU ဒီး(ဖဆပလ) ခိဢ္နဿ္တဖဢ္အတဿ္ထံဢ္လိာ္သး
ကြဲကညီတဖဢ္လဿကီဿ္ရ့ဢ္တဘ့ဢ္ကဆွဿအခဿဢ္စး(၅)ဂၯစုာ္စုာ္လဿတဿ္ဟဲထံဢ္လိာ္သးဒီး (ဖဆပ
လ) ပဒိဢ္အဂီဿ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.KNU တလဲၯထီဢ္တဿ္အိဢ္ဖွိဢ္အံၯဘဢ္ပွၯလဲၯထီဢ္တဿ္အိဢ္ဖွိဢ္တဖဢ္မ့ဿ္ဒဢ္
ထဲ KYO တဖဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ. 

ဖဲတဿ္အိဢ္ဖွိဢ္တဘ်ီန့ဢ္(ဖဆပလ)ပဒိဢ္အကိတိာ္ခိဢ္က်ဿဿ္အူႏူးကတိၯအဿကတိၯသီ KNU ခိဢ္နဿ္
လိာ္အိဢ္သကိးအ၀ဲသ့ဢ္လဿဟါတဿ္အီဢ္အဂီဿ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.တဿ္ကြဲတဘ်ီအံၯစီၯပၯအူကႜံ၊ သရဢ္သဢ္
မဢ္(Parliament) ဘ်ီဢ္ဒိဢ္အက်ဲဒီးအဂၯတဘိမ့ဿ္စုက၀ဲၯတဿ္ဒုးအက်ဲန့ဢ္လီၯ. 

အ၀ဲသဆဢ္ထီဢ္ကညီခိဢ္နဿ္တဖဢ္အခံလဿကဃုထဘ်ီဢ္ဒိဢ္အက်ဲန့ဢ္လီၯ.ဖဲန့ဢ္၀ံၯအလီဿ္ခံ ဖဲ 
၁၉၄၈နံဢ္လါမးရွး (၁၀) အနံၯန့ဢ္အူႏူးကိးကဒီးကညီခိဢ္နဿ္တဖဢ္လဿတဿ္ထံဢ္လိာ္သးအဂီဿ္အ
ဃိ စီဘးအူကႜံ၊သရဢ္သဢ္ထိဢ္၊ သရဢ္သဢ္ဒ့ဢ္၊ မါကႜ့မ္ထူအီဢ္ဒီးစီၯဘဲလ့ဢ္တဖဢ္လဲၯ၀ဲ, လဿ
(ဖဆပလ) ပဒိဢ္တခီအူႏူး၊ ဘီဢ္ဖိကိ၊ အူအိ၊ အူ၀့ဖ့ဢ္တဖဢ္ဟဲထီဢ္လဿ(ဖဆပလ) အခဿဢ္စး
လီၯ. ဖဲန့ဢ္အူႏူးစံး၀ဲဒ္အံၯ…
(ဖဆပလ) ပဒိဢ္အံၯဘဢ္သုးက်ဲၯမၯတဿ္ဒ္ဘ်ီဢ္ဒိဢ္သဲစးက်ဲကပူၯအဃိဟ့ဢ္ ကညီကီဿ္တသ့ဘဢ္
လီၯ. လဿအနံဢ္ (၅၀) အတီဿ္ပူၯတမ့ဿ္လဿကညီ ပယီၯကြဿ္

စီၯဘးအူကႜံစံးဆဿအူႏူးလဿတဿ္ကဲထီဢ္သးဒ္န့ဢ္တသ့ဘဢ္ပတဿ္ကိးသျတီ (၄)ဘီအပူၯပပာ္ဖ်ါ

တဿ္အခြဲးအယာ္လဿဘ်ီဢ္ဒိဢ္ပူၯန့ဢ္လီၯ. လဿတဿ္ဂ့ဿ္ဒ္အံၯအဃိ KNU ဒီး (ဖဆပလ)  အတဿ္ထံဢ္လိာ္သးကတဿဿ္ကြံာ္၀ဲဒဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.

(ဃ) တဿ္ဖ့ဢ္ဆဿဆူဢ္ထီဢ္ဒီးတုၯဆူစုက၀ဲၯတဿ္ပဿဿ္ဆဿ
တုၯမ့ဿ္တဿ္ထံဢ္လိာ္သးဒီး အူႏူးဟးဂီၯကြံာ္၀ဲအလီဿ္ခံပယီၯ တဿ္ပရဿတဖဢ္ကြဲးတဿ္တခီတဿၯ

တအိဢ္ဘဢ္. အါတက့ဿ္မ့ဿ္ ပွၯလံဿ္လူဢ္က်ဴရွါလဿအမၯအဿမၯသီတဿ္တဖဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.

လဿဒူသ၀ီတနီတရံဢ္ဟီဢ္က၀ီၯတကပၯတခီ (ဖဆပလ) အနီဢ္လဲာ္ပွၯဖီဢ္စုက၀ဲၯတဖဢ္မၯအဿ
လီၯ. တဿ္မၯအဿမၯသီတဖဢ္ ယံာ္ထီဢ္ယံာ္ထီဢ္အဃိ KNDO တဖဢ္ပာ္ဖွိဢ္ထီဢ္အသးဒီး MNDO 
ဒီး ထီဢ္ဟံးန့ဿ္မီဢ္လမႜဲဢ္၊  ဒူသထူဢ္၊  ရွြ႔ဢ္ကႜံဢ္၊ လဿဿ္ဒိဢ္၀့ဿ္တဖဢ္ဖဲ ၁၉၄၈နံဢ္ လါအီကူး (၃၁) သီဒီးလါစဲးပထ့ဘဿဢ္(၁) သီအနံၯန့ဢ္လီၯ. (ဖဆပလ)  ပဒိဢ္တဖဢ္ဟဲထံဢ္လိာ္သးဒီး KNU ခိဢ္နဿ္တဖဢ္ဒီးဃ့ကညးလဿကဟ့ဢ္က့ၯ၀့ဿ္တဖဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.

တယံာ္ဘဢ္ဒီးပထံဢ္ဘဢ္ (ဖဆပလ) ပဒိဢ္ဟးလူၯဟံးန့ဿ္ကညီစုက၀ဲၯတဖဢ္လဿကညီစိာ္စုက၀ဲၯ
သ့ဢ္တဖဢ္ အအိဢ္ခဲလဿာ္န့ဢ္လီၯ. စွၯသီအလီဿ္ခံတဿ္ဖီဢ္ကဒီး KNDO ,MNDOခိဢ္နဿ္သ့ဢ္တဖဢ္
အဆဿကတီဿ္ဖဲန့ဢ္ပယီၯဖီဢ္စုက၀ဲၯတဖဢ္ ႏုာ္လီၯခးဒူသ၀ီတဖဢ္ဖဲအအိဢ္ဖဲဘ်ံးဒ၀ဲဿ္ ဟီဢ္က၀ီၯ

မ့ဿ္လဿတဿ္အဿတဿ္သီဒ္အံၯသိးအဃိလဿတဿ္ပာ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္တဿ္ထီဒါ (ဖဆပလ) ပဒိဢ္အတဿ္မၯတ
တီဒ္အံၯသိးအဂီဿ္ဖဲ ၁၉၄၉နံဢ္ လါယႏူၯအါရံၯ (၂၇)သီ အနံၯန့ဢ္ကညီတဖဢ္ဟံးန့ဢ္တီအူအ၀့ဿ္ဒီ
ဖ်ဿဢ္ဒီး ဖဲလါယႏူၯအါရံၯ (၂၈) သီအနံၯန့ဢ္ထီဢ္ဒုးပသံဢ္၀့ဿ္န့ဢ္လီၯ. ဒ္န့ဢ္အသိးပယီၯ (ဖဆပလ) အသုးတဖဢ္စ့ဿ္ကီး ဖဲ၁၉၄၉နံဢ္လါယႏူၯအါရံၯ(၂၈)သီအနံၯလဲၯက၀ီၯKNUလီဿ္ခဿဢ္သး၀ဲၯလီဿ္ဖဲ
၀့ဿ္တကူဢ္စါခႜီဒီး လါယႏူၯအါရံၯ (၃၁)သီဂီၯခီလဲၯက၀ီၯ၀ဲ KNDOလီဿ္ခဿဢ္သးဖဲအ့စ့ဢ္ဒီးကညီအိဢ္
KNDO ဒီး MNDOမ့ဿ္ကရဿတဖိးသဲစးတဖဢ္ဘဢ္.အဃိပွၯကညီဖိတဖဢ္စ့ဿ္ကီးမ့ဿ္တဒုးဆဿခီဢ္ဆဿ
ထဿဢ္ထီဒါက့ၯ (ဖဆပလ) ပဒိဢ္ဖဲ ၁၉၄၉ နံဢ္လါယႏူၯအါရံၯ(၃၁)သီနံၯ အဃိက

တဿ္စံဢ္စိၯတဲစိၯတခါအံၯဘဢ္တဿ္ဟံးန့ဿ္အီၯလဿ ႃႃတဿ္မၯလိက့ၯကညီကလုာ္အဂ့ဿ္႗႗လဿခြံတီၯ


တုၯမ့ဿ္ဟီဢ္ခိဢ္တဿ္ဒုးဖးဒိဢ္ခံဘ်ီတဘ်ီ၀ံၯအလီဿ္ခံ, ကညီတဖဢ္စးထီဢ္ဃ့ထံဃ့ကီဿ္လဿတဿ္ဘ်ဿ
န့ဢ္အမဲာ္ညါပဲာ္အဿပဲာ္သီကညီဖိတဖဢ္မၯဃံးမၯကီထီဢ္ကညီဖိ အကလုာ္ကလုာ္ အဃိကညီဖိ
တဖဢ္ ဘဢ္စး ထီဢ္ဒုးအိဢ္ထီဢ္KNDO  ကညီဂဿၯသးကရဿ လဿတဿ္ကဟုကယာ္ လီၯက့ၯသး
အဂီဿ္ဒီး အလီဿ္မ့ဿ္အိဢ္ကအံးလီၯကြဿ္လီၯအသးလဿစုက၀ဲၯတဿ္ပဿဿ္ဆဿအဂီဿ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.

(ဖဆပလ) ပဒိဢ္စ့ဿ္ကီးဒ္သိးကမၯသဘွံးကညီဖိတဖဢ္ခဲလဿာ္တခ်ဴးဒံးလဿကညီဖိတဖဢ္အဂံဿ္အ
ဘါဂ့ၯထီဢ္ဒိဢ္ထီဢ္ဒံးဘဢ္န့ဢ္, သုးက်ဲၯစ့ဿ္ကီး၀ဲဒဢ္လဿတဿ္ကဒုးမၯဟးဂီၯကြံာ္ကညီဖိတဖဢ္အဂီဿ္
န့ဢ္လီၯ. လဿအ၀ဲသ့ဢ္ အတဿ္က်ဲၯခူသူဢ္ အီဢ္ဆါတဿ္ဒုးသုး(Aung San Operation) အပူၯန့ဢ္အ၀ဲသ့ဢ္ဒြးပာ္၀ဲကညီဖိတဖဢ္အနီဿ္ဂံဿ္အိဢ္တဿ္အလီဿ္,အဂံဿ္အဘါတမ့ဿ္ထဲလဿကီဿ္ပ
ယီၯလာ္ခီအံၯဘဢ္. မ့မ့ဿ္ကညီဖိလဿကီဿ္ပယီၯဒီဘ့ဢ္ညါ ဒီးလဿအတဿ္က်ဲၯအပူၯဒ္သိး ကမၯနဿၯ
ကညီအဂီဿ္န့ဢ္လဿအသုးမုဿ္အိဢ္ပာ္တ့ဿ္လံတဖဢ္ အမဲာ္ညါကဒုးအိဢ္ထီဢ္ (BTF-LEVIES) သုးလီၯဆီအသီခဲလဿာ္(၂၅) ရ့ဢ္ဖဲ ၁၉၄၈နံဢ္ အပူၯအစဲၯခံတဿဿ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.

ဒ္ (ဖဆပလ) တဖဢ္အတဿ္က်ဲၯအိဢ္အသိးဖဲ ၁၉၄၉ နံဢ္ လါယႏူၯအါရံၯ (၂၈) သီန့ဢ္ထီဢ္ဒုး
KNU လီဿ္ခဿဢ္သး၀ဲၯလီဿ္ဒီးကညီတဖဢ္ဖဲ၀့ဿ္တကူဢ္စါခႜီဖဲသထ့ကူက၀ီၯလီၯ.ဖဲ ၁၉၄၉ နံဢ္လါ
ယႏူၯအါရံၯ (၃၁) သီဂီၯန့ဢ္ထီဢ္ဒုး KNDO လ.ခ.သ  ဖဲအ့စ့ဢ္၀့ဿ္ဒီးနံၯအ၀ဲန့ဢ္အ၀ဲသ့ဢ္ဘိးဘဢ္
ပာ္ဖ်ါ၀ဲလဿ(KNDO ဒီး MNDO)ကရဿတဖိးသဲစးဘဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.ကညီတဖဢ္တဒိးလီၯအကိာ္ဒ္စါ
ခႜီအသိးလဿၯဘဢ္. မ့မ့ဿ္ခီဢ္ဆဿဒုဢ္ဒါတဖဢ္ဒူဒူဒီးKNDO လ.ခ.သ. စ့ဿ္ကီးဟ့ဢ္လီၯတဿ္ကလုဿ္ ဆူကညီလဿကီဿ္ပူၯခဲလဿာ္ကဂဲၯဆဿထဿဢ္ဒုးပဿဿ္ဆဿထီဒါဒုဢ္ဒါအဃိ,ကညီစုက၀ဲၯတဿ္ဒုးစး
ထီဢ္၀ဲဒဢ္ဒီးဖဲလါယႏူၯအါရံၯ(၃၁)သီ ဘဢ္တဿ္သ့ဢ္ညါပာ္ကဲအီၯဒ္ကညီတဿ္ပဿဿ္ဆဿအမုဿ္နံၯ

တုၯမ့ဿ္ကညီစုက၀ဲၯတဿ္ပဿဿ္ဆဿတဿ္ဒုး စးထီဢ္ဒီး ကညီဒီကလုာ္လဿ တဿ္လီဿ္ကိးပူၯဒဲးဆဿထဿဢ္

ကလုာ္လဿအမၯသကိးတဿ္ဒီးကညီဒ္ ကရ့ဢ္နံဢ္၊ မိဢ္၊ ပအိဢ္၊ ကခႜ့ဢ္၊ ခႜီ၊ လါဟူး၊ တဖဢ္အါဖုအါဂၯ
တီဿ္ပူၯမ့ဿ္တမ့ဿ္လဿ၀့ဿ္ဒိဢ္စွၯဖ်ဿဢ္ဘဢ္ဒီးကညီတဖဢ္တဖဢ္ မၯန့ဿ္ခူ၀့ဿ္တဿ္လီဿ္တဿ္က်ဲလဿကီဿ္
ပယီၯထးခီ ဒီးယိၯကီဿ္ပူၯ, ၀့ဿ္ဒ္ပႜ့မနါ၊ယမဲသ့၊ ပႜီဢ္ဘြဲဢ္၊ မံးထံးလဢ္၊ ကႜီးဆဲဢ္၊ မါတလ့၊ မ့ဢ္မႜိ၊တီဢ္ကႜံ၊ ကလီဒီးအဂၯတဖဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.ဘဢ္ဆဢ္ခူ၀့ဿ္တဿ္လီဿ္တဿ္က်ဲတဖဢ္အံၯတမ့ဿ္တဿ္လီဿ္တဿ္က်ဲလဿက

(က) အ့စ့ဢ္တဿ္ဒုး
အ့စ့ဢ္မ့ဿ္ KNDO လီဿ္ခဿဢ္သး အမဲာ္ညါ KNU လီဿ္ခဿဢ္သး ခိဢ္နဿ္အါဂၯဒ္ စီၯဘးအူကႜံ၊ စီၯစဲခ့ဢ္၊
ဟဿထဿဢ္သဢ္မြ႔၊ မါဘးဇဢ္၊ စကီၯမီလ့၊ စီၯဘဲလ့ဢ္၊ အူစဢ္ဒီး၊ မါကႜ့ထူအီဢ္အိဢ္၀ဲစ့ဿ္ကီးလီၯ.လဿတဿ္
န့ဢ္အဃိဒုဢ္ဒါပာ္အသးလဿကထီဢ္ဒုးမၯသဘွံးကြံာ္လဿ (၃)သီ အတီဿ္ပူၯန့ဢ္လီၯ. က၀ီၯတံဿ္ဃာ္၀ဲ
အတီဿ္ပူၯ ဆီဢ္ဖ်ိးကြံာ္ဒုဢ္ဒါလဿအဟဲဒုးအီၯတဖဢ္ခဲလဿာ္လီၯ. မုဿ္ဆ့ဢ္ထီဢ္တနံၯဒုးမၯန့ဿ္ အ့စ့ဢ္၀့ဿ္ ဒီတဖ်ဿဢ္ညါတုၯလဿသမဲက်ဲဖးဒ့၊ မၯန့ဿ္အ့စ့ဢ္ဃိဢ္၊ လ့ဢ္မ့ဢ္အူစဲးဖီကဟဢ္လီဿ္၊ ဖႜါ၊ ဘုစဲးဂီဿ္မုဿ္လဿ
(လွိင္)က်ိနံၯခဲလဿာ္လီၯ. လါဖ့ၯဘူၯအါရံၯ (၂)သီ မၯန့ဿ္မ့ဢ္ကလဢ္ဒူဢ္ကဘီယူၯက်ီဒီးသုးအ

လီဿ္တဖဢ္ခဲလဿာ္ပိာ္ကညီတဖဢ္အခံဆူအ့စ့ဢ္အဃိ ကညီမၯန့ဿ္စုက၀ဲၯက်ိခ်ံပွာ္သဢ္၊ သုးပီးလီဂီဿ္

အိဢ္က့ၯသုးရ့ဢ္ (၅) လဿရဿဿ္ခဿဢ္လဿကဘီယူၯ၊ ကိးထီဢ္ဖႜဢ္စိမိၯကႜိဖိတဖဢ္၊ သိဢ္ဒူ၀ါ(ရဲေဘာ္ျဖဴ)
တဖဢ္ လဿတဿ္ကမၯသကိးတဿ္အဂီဿ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.ကညီတဖဢ္မလိာ္ကညီသုးရ့ဢ္ (၁) လဿတီအူဒီးသုး
ရ့ဢ္ (၂) လဿပႜံဢ္တခီဒ္သိးကဟဲလီၯမၯစဿၯတဿ္ဒုးန့ဢ္လီၯ.သုးရ့ဢ္ (၁) ဟဲလီၯ၀ဲခံဘ်ီဘဢ္ဆဢ္ဟဲ၀ဲ
တတုၯဘဢ္. သုးရ့ဢ္ (၂)ဟဲလီၯတုၯ၀ဲဖဲ ကႜိပ့ဢ္ကီးဒီးလီၯမုဿ္ျပံျပါကြံာ္၀ဲလီၯ. မ့ဿ္သနာ္က့ KNDO လဿတီအူလဿအဘဢ္တဿ္တီခိဢ္ရိဢ္မဲအီၯလဿထီပ်ိဿ္ဒီး MNDO လဿဒူသထူဢ္တခီလဿအဘဢ္တဿ္
တီခိဢ္ရိဢ္မဲအီၯလဿ မီဢ္ညူးဒီးတဿ္ကပီၯတဖဢ္တုၯ၀ဲဂ့ၯဂ့ၯလီၯ.

မၯနဿၯဖဲ ၁၉၄၉နံဢ္ လါမ့ၯ (၂၁) သီအနံၯဒီးလါမ့ၯ (၂၂)သီ န့ဢ္ဒုဢ္ဒါမၯန့ဿ္က့ၯအ့စ့ဢ္ဒီးတဿ္ဒုးလဿ
အ့စ့ဢ္ယံာ္၀ဲ (၁၁၁) သီန့ဢ္လီၯ.

(ခ) မုဿ္ထီဢ္တဿ္ဒုးတဖဢ္ဒီးပွၯလီၯဒုးတဿ္လဿကလံၯထံးအခီဢ္ထံးတဘ်ီ
နီၯအဃိကညီစိာ္စုက၀ဲၯဒ္ UMP တဖဢ္ခဲလဿာ္တဿ္ဟံးန့ဿ္ကြံာ္တဿ္စုက၀ဲၯဒီးတဿ္ဆွဿအီၯဆူ၀့ဿ္တ

အံၯခဲလဿာ္ဒီးက်ဲးစဿးလဲၯလီၯ၀ဲဆူ၀့ဿ္တကူဢ္လဿတဿ္မၯစဿၯက့ၯကညီ လဿအ့စ့ဢ္ဒီးတဿ္ဒုးန့ဿ္၀့ဿ္တ
ဟးထီဢ္အနံၯဒီးထီဢ္ဆူညါတန့ဿ္လဿၯဘဢ္. ဒုဢ္ဒါသုးခိဢ္(ခဿနဿဢ္)မူဒံဢ္က်ဲၯအသိးတမၯထြဲသကိး၀ဲ
ဘဢ္အဃိ မူဒံဢ္ဘဢ္ဒိသံဒီးသုးဒီဖုကဲထီဢ္ဒုဢ္ဒါအပွၯ, ကညီတဿ္ပဿဿ္ဆဿသုးတဖဢ္လီၯျပံလီၯျပါ၀ဲဒဢ္

(ဂ) ပွၯလီၯဒုးတဿ္လဿကလံၯထံးခံဘ်ီတဘ်ီ
သုးခိဢ္ဒိဢ္မ့မီဢ္တီခိဢ္ရိဢ္မဲ၀ဲဒီးတီအူသုးရ့ဢ္ (၁) ပာ္ဃုာ္ဒီးသုးခိဢ္ နီဢ္စဲ(ကခႜ့ဢ္) ဒီးသုးခိဢ္စဢ္ထိတ
ဖဢ္ႏုာ္လီၯဒုး ညီဢ္လ့ပ့ဢ္ယံာ္ (၃)သီဒီး မၯန့ဿ္၀ဲ၀ံၯလဲၯလီၯဆူလာ္ခီဖဲ ပႜဴဢ္တဇဢ္ဘဢ္ဆဢ္ဒုဢ္ဒါတခီဢ္
ဆဿဘဢ္. တုၯ(ဒုိက္ဦး) ဒုးမၯနဿၯဒြဲဢ္အူကြံာ္၀ဲလဲၯလီၯဆူညါန့ဢ္လီၯ.ဒုဢ္ဒါခီဢ္ဒုးတဿ္ဖဲ(ေဖါင္ေတာ္သီ) ကညီမၯန့ဿ္၀ံၯထီဢ္ဆူညါတန့ဿ္လၯအဃိဟဲက့ၯခီဢ္က့ၯတဿ္ဒုးဖဲဒဲအူ,ပႜဴဢ္တဇဢ္တုၯ၁၉၅၀နံဢ္လါ
ဖ့ၯျဘူၯအါရံၯအပူၯန့ဢ္လီၯ.ကညီသုးမုဿ္တခီလဲၯလီၯဆူကလံၯထံးတကပၯ မ့ဿ္တဖ်ိသနာ္က့ ထီပ်ိဿ္
ဒီး KNDO (၁၀၀) ဘ်ဲဢ္,သုးခိဢ္တဿ္ကပီၯဒီး KNDO(၂၀၀) ဘ်ဲဢ္လဲၯလီၯတုၯအ့စ့ဢ္ဂ့ၯဂ့ၯဒီးဒုးစဿၯ

(ဃ) တဿ္ထီဢ္ဒုးကီဿ္ပယီၯထးခီ
တုၯမ့ဿ္ကညီတဖဢ္ဒုးဟံးန့ဿ္တီအူဒီးဒုဢ္ဒါတဖဢ္က်ဲၯ၀ဲလဿကခႜ့ဢ္သုးရ့ဢ္ (၁)လဿအိဢ္ဖဲသဢ္၀ူးထံး
သုးဒ့ခံဒ့ဒီးကခႜ့ဢ္သုးရ့ဢ္ (၃) သုးဒ့တဒ့န့ဢ္လီၯ. တုၯမ့ဿ္ကညီတဿ္ပဿဿ္ဆဿစးထီဢ္ဒီး ဒုဢ္ဒါတဖဢ္ ဒ္အအိဢ္ဒီးအတဿ္က်ဲၯပာ္က့ၯအသိး ဖီဢ္ ကညီဖီဢ္စုက၀ဲၯလဿ ကီဿ္ပယီၯထးခီတဖဢ္ခဲလဿာ္က
ဘဢ္ပွၯ (၄၀၀) ဂၯန့ဢ္လီၯ.

ညီအဿဢ္လီၯအီၯဒီးတဿ္ပ်ဲလီၯသုးခိဢ္ဇီဢ္ဖ့ဢ္ဒီးကညီသုးရ့ဢ္(၁)တဒ့ဒီး KNDOတနီၯလဿကလဲၯ

ပွၯလဲၯထီဢ္တဿ္န့ဢ္ကညီသုးရ့ဢ္ (၁)ခံဒ့,ကခႜ့ဢ္သုးရ့ဢ္ (၁)ခံဒ့ဒီးသုးရ့ဢ္ (၃) တဒ့ခဲလဿာ္သုးယဲဿ္ဒ့အံၯ
မ့ဿ္သုးမုဿ္ဒုးတဿ္ဒီးလဲၯထီဢ္လဿသိလ့ဢ္, မ့မ့ဿ္ KNDO ပွၯ (၄၀၀၀)ဂၯ တအိဢ္ဒီး တဿ္စုက၀ဲၯခဲလဿာ္
ဘဢ္ဒီး တဿ္အီဢ္တဿ္အီ, က်ိခ်ံပွာ္သဢ္, ကသံဢ္ကသီတဖဢ္တဿ္ဆွဿထီဢ္လဿလ့ဢ္မ့ဢ္အူခံခိဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ. တဿ္ဒုးကဲထီဢ္လဿမႜိးလး ( ျမဳ႔ိလွ) ယံာ္ခံနဢ္ရံဢ္ဒီးကညီမၯန့ဿ္၀ဲထီဢ္ဆူညါတုၯလဿ (သာ၀တၱိ) ကခႜ့ဢ္
သုးရ့ဢ္ (၁)၀ဲဿ္လီဿ္တဿ္မၯန့ဿ္န့ဢ္သုးရ့ဢ္(၁)သုးခိဢ္ဒိဢ္ဇီဢ္ကီဒီးအသုးတဖဢ္ခဲလဿာ္လီၯ.ကခႜ့ဢ္သုးတ
ဒ့ပိာ္ထီဢ္ကညီသုးမုဿ္ဒိဢ္အခံန့ဢ္လီၯ. တုၯမ့ဿ္ပႜ့မနါတဿ္ဒုးကဲထီဢ္ဒီးတဿ္ဖီဢ္န့ဿ္ဒုဢ္ဒါအသုးခိဢ္သ့တိး (သိန္းတုတ္) န့ဢ္လီၯ.

ဖဲယမဲသ့တဿ္ဒုးကဲထီဢ္ကဒီးဒီးကညီမၯန့ဿ္တဿ္စုက၀ဲၯတဿ္ပီးတဿ္လီဂီဿ္မုဿ္, စုက၀ဲၯတဖဢ္တဿ္ဟ့ဢ္
လီၯ KNDO န့ဢ္လီၯ. ဖဲပႜီဢ္ဘြဲဢ္န့ဢ္ကညီ UMPအိဢ္၀ဲတဒ့ဒီးနဢ္ခါဟံးန့ဿ္ကြံာ္တဿ္စုက၀ဲၯအဃိတဿ္
ဟ့ဢ္လီၯအ၀ဲသ့ဢ္လဿစုက၀ဲၯဒီးအ၀ဲသ့ဢ္ပိာ္ထီဢ္ကညီသုးမုဿ္အခံန့ဢ္လီၯ. တဿ္ဒူးဆူဢ္ကတဿဿ္ဒိဢ္
ကတဿဿ္ကဲထီဢ္၀ဲဖဲ (ကိသဢ္) မံးထံးလဢ္စးထီဢ္ဖဲဂီၯခီ ၆နဢ္ရံဢ္တုၯလဿမုဿ္ထူဢ္ထီဢ္ ၁၂နဢ္ရံဢ္ဒီး

ဖဲန့ဢ္ကညီအသုးမုဿ္ဖီဢ္န့ဿ္ဒုဢ္ဒါအသုးခိဢ္(ခဿနဿဢ္) မီဢ္မီဢ္,စီၯမႜးသ့ (UMP) မ့ကႜဿဢ္ထူအူဢ္, ခဲးပ
တ့းယဲမႜံးဒီး သုးခိဢ္အဂၯတနီၯဒီးဖဲ၁၉၄၉နံဢ္လါယႏူၯအါရံၯ(၂၁)သီမုဿ္ဃ့ဿ္လီၯ၂နဢ္ရံဢ္န့ဢ္ကညီ
အူလဿကညီသုးရ့ဢ္ (၁) တခီသုးယဲၯတယဲၯဒီးအဂၯတဘ့ဢ္ တီသုးခိဢ္နီဢ္စဲလဿကခႜ့ဢ္သုးရ့ဢ္ (၁) တခီဒီးသုးယဲၯတယဲၯလီၯ.
အ၀ဲသ့ဢ္စံဢ္လီၯ၀ဲဖဲအ (နီးစခန္း) ဒုဢ္ဒါသုးဖိဖဲန့ဢ္တဖဢ္ခီးလီၯအခိဢ္ဂ့ၯဂ့ၯ, မ့ဿ္လဿသုးခိဢ္ဖိတ
တခီက့ၯအိးထီဢ္ကခႜ့ဢ္သုးရ့ဢ္ (၁) သုးတဿ္ဖိတဿ္လံၯအလီဿ္ဒီး ဟ့ဢ္လီၯစုက၀ဲၯဖဲန့ဢ္တဖဢ္ခဲ


ကညီတဖဢ္မၯန့ဿ္မ့ဢ္မႜိးဒီးတဿ္ကလုဿ္တခီကညီဖိခဲလဿာ္ကဘဢ္ဟဲက့ၯလီၯဆူလာ္ခီန့ဢ္လီၯ. ဘဢ္
ဖဲ ၁၉၄၉နံဢ္လါမးရွး(၁၂)သီ၀ံၯအးလီၯက့ၯဆူခီဢ္မႜဴဢ္နံးဒီးသိဢ္ဒူ၀ါအစုပူၯဒီးဟဲက့ၯလီၯ၀ဲဆူ မ့းထံး

ဟးထီဢ္၀ဲလဿအခီဢ္ဒီးဟဲက့ၯလီၯတတီၯဘဢ္တတီၯဒီးတုၯ၀ဲဆူ တီဢ္ကႜံ, လြဲဿ္ကီဿ္ဒီးလဿခံတုၯက့ၯ
ဆူတီအူန့ဢ္လီၯ. ဟဲက့ၯလဿက်ဲယိၯစီဢ္ဘြါတဖဢ္တသ့ဖဲအသ့မၯစဿၯအ၀ဲဂ့ၯဂ့ၯန့ဢ္လီၯ.

Chit Khin) လဿကကြဿ္တီခိဢ္ရိဢ္မဲ၀ဲဘဢ္ဆဢ္အ၀ဲသ့ဢ္ဆဲးက်ိးဒီးဒုဢ္ဒါဒီးလဿခံကတဿဿ္အ၀ဲသ့ဢ္ဟ့ဢ္
လီၯကြံာ္အသးခဲလဿာ္လဿဒုဢ္ဒါအစုပူၯန့ဢ္လီၯ. ကညီမၯန့ဿ္မါတလ့၀ံၯက့ၯလီၯစူးဖွိဢ္အသးဖဲ မံးထံး
လဢ္ဒီးလီၯဒုးသဢ္စံဢ္ဘဢ္ဆဢ္မၯ၀ဲတန့ဿ္ဘဢ္. အ့စ့ဢ္ဃ့တဿ္မၯစဿၯအဃိ

ကညီသုးတနီၯက့ၯထီဢ္ဒုး လြဲဿ္ကီဿ္, မိဘႜဲ,ဖဲဢ္ခိဢ္ ဒီးတီဢ္ကႜံ၀့ဿ္၀ံၯက့ၯထီဢ္ဒုးက့ၯတဿ္ဆူယိၯကီဿ္
ထးခီမၯန့ဿ္ လါရွိ, ကူးခဲဢ္,နါမခါဒီးဖဲန့ဢ္ကညီလဿထးခီတဖဢ္ပိာ္မုဢ္ပိာ္ခြါကသံဢ္သရဢ္မုဢ္တဖဢ္ပိာ္

လီဿ္စီၯစုၯဒီးက်ဲမုဿ္ဒီးထံက်ိတဖဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ. ပယီၯတဖဢ္အိဢ္အါတက့ဿ္လဿက်ဲမုဿ္ခိဢ္ဒီးထံက်ိကဿဿ္ခိဢ္
န့ဢ္လီၯ. တခ်ဴးကညီတဿ္ပဿဿ္ဆဿစးထီဢ္နီဿ္တယဿ္ဂီၯခီဢ္မႜဴဢ္နံးပဢ္တံဢ္,  ျပည္သူရဲေဘာ္ပါတီ ပယီၯ
သုးမုဿ္သုးရ့ဢ္ (၁)ဒီး (၃)ဒုးကဒါက့ၯ(ဖဆပလ)ပဒိဢ္ဒီးဟံးန့ဿ္တဿ္လီဿ္တနီၯလံ,တုၯကညီတဿ္ပဿဿ္ဆဿ
စးထီဢ္ဒီးအ၀ဲသ့ဢ္မၯဖ်ဲဢ္စုဖ်ဲဢ္ခီဢ္ဟံးန့ဿ္ခူ၀့ဿ္တဖဢ္ဒီး ဆီလီၯအတဿ္ျပဿတဿ္ျပးတခီလံ.၀့ဿ္တနီၯပယီၯ
တဿ္ပဿဿ္ဆဿကရဿ (၃) ဖုလဿာ္ပဿသကိးတဿ္ဘဢ္ဆဢ္တဿ္ဃူတဿ္ဖိးတအိဢ္ကဲာ္ဆိးဘဢ္.

ဖဲကညီတဿ္ပဿဿ္ဆဿစးထီဢ္သီအခါဒုဢ္ဒါ (ဖဆပလ) ပဒိဢ္အဂံဿ္အဘါလဿထံထဢ္စြ႔တခီတအိဢ္အါအါ
ဘဢ္.ကညီတဖဢ္ဘဢ္ဒုးတဿ္ဒီးပွၯအဂီၯ (ျပည္သူရဲေဘာ္) ကရဿတဖဢ္အါတက့ဿ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.ကညီတဖဢ္
ဂဿၯသးတဖဢ္က်ဲးစဿးလဲၯမၯစဿၯက့ၯတဿ္လဿအ့စ့ဢ္ ဘဢ္ဆဢ္ ဂဿၯသးတနီၯတဿ္ဒိကနဢ္စွၯ, တနီၯက့ၯစိာ္က်ိဒီးတဿ္စုက၀ဲၯတဖဢ္လဿအ့စ့ဢ္ဆူအဟံဢ္ဂီဿ္မုဿ္စ့ဿ္ကီးန့ဢ္လီၯ.

သိးအဃိကညီတဖဢ္ထီဢ္ဒုးခူ၀့ဿ္တဖဢ္လဿထံထဢ္စြ႔ , မၯန့ဿ္ပါတနီဢ္၊ ညီဢ္တူဒႏူးဖႜဴဢ္၊ ဇလူဿ္ဒီးဒီကႜံ၊
စကဿ္ကႜံ၊ ကႜဴဢ္ပႜီဢ္၊ လဲကူ၊ သီဢ္ကႜံ၊ သဲခႜီ၊ ရွါခဲ၊ အေထာက္၊ အ့ဢ္မဲ၊ ဒီးတဿ္လီဿ္အဂၯ

ယဢ္၀တံဢ္ကလံၯစိးတခီသုးခိဢ္စ့ဢ္ညိဢ္လဿသုးရ့ဢ္ (၂) တခီစူးဖွိဢ္ရိဖွိဢ္က့ၯသုးရ့ဢ္ (၂) လဿအက့ၯ

ကလံၯစိးတဖဢ္ဒုးမၯန့ဿ္အဖႜီး (အေဖ်ာက္)အဲဢ္ကလီး (အိုင္ကေလာင္) ဒီးကီးညါ စ့ဿ္ကီး,ထံထဢ္စြ႔ဒီး
ကမ်ဿ္န့ဢ္ မ့တမ့ဿ္လဿ၀့ဿ္ဒိဢ္တဖဢ္ဒီးကညီမၯန့ဿ္ဟီဢ္က၀ီၯလဿကညီဖိဃ့၀ဲခဲလဿာ္ဃဢ္ဃဢ္စ့ဿ္ကီး


တဿ္ဟ့ဢ္ကူဢ္အ၀ဲသ့ဢ္လဿကဆွဿဆိအဟံဢ္ဖိဃီဖိဆူကညီ အဒူသ၀ီလဿ သဢ္ယဢ္၀တံဢ္မ့ဿ္ဂ့ၯ၊

သ့ဢ္အဂီဿ္ဘဢ္. တုၯမ့ဿ္တဿ္ပဿဿ္ဆဿတဿ္ဒုးကဲထီဢ္ဒီးအ၀ဲသ့ဢ္ဟးထီဢ္၀ဲတဘ်ီဃီတသ့ဘဢ္. ဘဢ္ကြဿ္ဆဲးက်ိးလိာ္အသးဒီးအသုးဒ့လဿ၀့ဿ္ဖိဘူးတံဿ္တဖဢ္,ဘဢ္အိဢ္ခိးကညီသုးဖိလဿအ
အိဢ္လဿ (၂၁) UMP လဿအအိဢ္ဖဲအဢ္လဢ္တခီတုၯလီၯလဿ၁၉၄၉နံဢ္ လါဖ့ၯျဘူၯအါရံၯ (၅) သီန့ဢ္အ၀ဲသ့ဢ္ဟးထီဢ္၀ဲလဿပႜ့ဢ္ဒီးသိလ့ဢ္လဲလဿာ္(၂၀၀)ဘ်ဲဢ္,ဒုဢ္ဒါခိးလီၯအခိဢ္လဿက်ဲဒီဘိ


တဿ္ဒုးဆူဢ္ဟံဢ္ဖိဃီဖိတဖဢ္တထံဢ္ဘူတဿ္ဒုးဘဢ္. သုးဖိသံဢ္ဖိတနီၯကဟုကယာ္က့ၯအဟံဢ္
ဖိဃီဖိအဃိ ပွၯဘဢ္အိဢ္လဿတဿ္မဲာ္ညါဒုးတဿ္မ့ဿ္ဒဢ္ပွၯတ၀ာ္ဖိတဖဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.တုၯလီၯဖဲသဢ္
အီကူတိၯ (သာေအာင္ကုန္း) ကဘီယူၯစးထီဢ္ခးအ၀ဲသ့ဢ္အသိလ့ဢ္ဒီးဖဲန့ဢ္အသိလ့ဢ္တနီၯ
ဟးဂူာ္ဟးဂီၯဒီး လဲၯတဿ္လဿမုဿ္ဆါခီတသ့တဘူဢ္ဘဢ္. မုဿ္ဆါခီတဿ္ကိဿ္၊ မုဿ္နၯခီတဿ္ဂိဿ္၊ ကဖီအီဢ္တဿ္အဂီဿ္တညီဘဢ္.

ဟံဢ္ဖိဃီဖိတဖဢ္တလုဿ္ဘဢ္ထံတလုဿ္ဘဢ္နိတဆွုဢ္ဘဢ္ကူကၯတဖဢ္ဘဢ္. သုးဖိတဖဢ္တ
ပ့ဢ္ကီးန့ဢ္တဿ္ဒုးဆူဢ္မးကညီဖိတဖဢ္ဆီဢ္နဿၯကြံာ္ဒုဢ္ဒါ BTFသုး(၂)ဒ့လဿဘိဢ္မ့လြ့ဢ္ဒီးဘိဢ္

ဒုဢ္ဒါသုးခိဢ္စါယူး၊ စ့ဢ္မီဢ္၊ ကႜီဢ္ထ့ဢ္တဖဢ္ဘဢ္တီခိဢ္ရိဢ္မဲက့ၯအသုးန့ဢ္လီၯ. ဖဲတဿ္ဒုးဆူဢ္မး
ကႜိပ့ဢ္ကီးန့ဢ္လီၯ.ကညီသုးတဖဢ္လီၯျပါသုးမုဿ္တနီၯဃ့ဿ္ထီဢ္ကြံာ္ဆူပကိရိမး ဒီးခီက့ၯဆူမုဿ္
ထီဢ္ဖဲ ၁၉၄၉နံဢ္ လါဖ့ၯျဘူၯအါရံၯ (၁၁) သီန့ဢ္သုးရ့ဢ္ခိဢ္မႜးမီဢ္၊ သုးရ့ဢ္ခိဢ္ခံထူမီဢ္၊ ၀ဲဿ္လီဿ္


တဿ္မၯနဿၯလဿ (၆)လါအတီဿ္ပူၯ ၁၉၄၉ နံဢ္ လါယႏူၯအါရံၯ ၃၁သီတုၯယူၯလံ.
(၁) မ့တမ့ဿ္လဿ၀့ဿ္ဒိဢ္တနီၯဒီးကညီတဖဢ္မၯန့ဿ္တဿ္လီဿ္လဿကညီဃ့၀ဲတဖဢ္ဃဢ္ဃဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.
ကီဿ္ပယီၯပူၯ၀့ဿ္ (၆၀) ဖ်ဿဢ္ဘ်ဲဢ္.

(၂) လဿမုဿ္ထီဢ္တခီကညီမၯန့ဿ္လ့ဢ္မ့ဢ္အူက်ဲတဖဢ္ဒီးဒုးလဲၯလ့ဢ္မ့ဢ္အူလဿယ့ဢ္တဢ္ရွ့ဢ္၊ဖႜဴဢ္တ

(၃) လဿမုဿ္ထီဢ္တခီကညီမၯန့ဿ္သိလ့ဢ္က်ဲတဖဢ္ဒီးသိလ့ဢ္လဲၯသ့တဿ္လီဿ္သကုၯဆးဒးန့ဢ္လီၯ.

(၄) လဿမုဿ္ႏုာ္တခီမၯန့ဿ္ပ့်ဢ္က်ိဒီးအဒ့အျတဿ္တနီၯအဃိကဘီသိလ့ဢ္တဖဢ္လ့ဿ္ထီဢ္လ့ဿ္လိၯသ

(၅) ဒုဢ္ဒါဘဢ္အိဢ္ခိးတဿ္လဿ၀့ဿ္တကူဢ္အါကတဿဿ္ကညီမၯန့ဿ္က်ဲမုဿ္က်ဲဘိတဖဢ္ဒီးဒုဢ္ဒါဘဢ္
တဿ္သ့ဢ္ညါအီၯဒ္ ၀့ဿ္တကူဢ္ (၇) မံးလာ္ပဒိဢ္ကလီၯတဲာ္ျတီၯလိဢ္ဒဢ္စုမုဿ္ (၂)ဒူန့ဢ္လီၯ.ဘဢ္ဆဢ္
န့ဿ္က့ၯအတဿ္လဲၯတဿ္က့ၯအက်ဲအကါဒိဢ္တဖဢ္တခ်ဴး၁၉၄၉ နံဢ္လဿာ္ဒံးဘဢ္န့ဢ္လီၯ.

လံာ္တဿ္စံဢ္စိၯတဲစိၯတခါအံၯဟံးန့ဿ္အီၯလဿႃႃတဿ္မၯလိက့ၯကညီကလုာ္အဂ့ဿ္႗႗ ခြံတီၯလံာ္တဿ္

Longest Struggle Pu Ki Doh Part-2

Burma's Longest war Anatomy of the karen conflict

Longest Struggle Pu Ki Doh Part -1



ဘဢ္အဃိကညီဖိတဖဢ္ဃ့၀ဲလဿ ဖဆပလ ပဒိဢ္ကဟ့ဢ္ကညီဖိတဖဢ္လဿကညီကီဿ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ.
ဘဢ္ဆဢ္ ဖဆပလ ပဒိဢ္ပဲၯအဿပဲၯသီ၀ဲကညီဖိတဖဢ္လဿအမ့ဿ္ပွၯမၯလဲဿ္အီဢ္ကီဿ္တဖဢ္
အနီဢ္လဲာ္၊မ့ဿ္ပွၯမၯတဿထီဢ္တဿလီၯတဿ္၊ မ့ဿ္ဒဢ္ကညီစွီၯတဖဢ္အတဿ္မၯဒီးတမ့ဿ္ကညီ
ဒီကလုာ္အတဿ္မၯဘဢ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ. KNU-ခ့ဢ္အဲဢ္ယူဢ္ ကညီဒီကလုာ္စဿဖွိဢ္ကရဿဆွဿထီဢ္
လံာ္ဆူ ဖဆပလ ပဒိဢ္အအိဢ္ဖဲ ၁၉၄၈နံဢ္လါဖ့ၯႀဘဴၯအါရံၯ ၃ သီအနံၯလဿကဟ့ဢ္ကညီကီဿ္
အဂီဿ္ဒီးလဿကစံးဆဿက့ၯကညီဖိတဖဢ္အတဿ္ဃ့အံၯတခ်ဳးလါမာ္႐ွး ၃ သီန႔ဢ္လီၯ. တဿ္ဃ့အံၯ
ကအိဢ္ဒီးအတယဿဿ္အဂီဿ္၊ ကနဲဢ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္၀ဲလဿအမ့ဿ္ကညီဒီတကလုာ္ညါအတဿ္ဃ့ထီဢ္အဂီဿ္
ခ့ဢ္အဲဢ္ယူဢ္ လဿအမ့ဿ္ကညီဒီကလုာ္စဿဖွိဢ္ကရဿတီခိဢ္ရိဢ္မဲဒီးမၯ၀ဲ ကညီကမ်ဿဿ္အတဿ္ဒုးနဲဢ္

ဖ်ါထီဢ္အတဿ္ပာ္သးဖဲ ၁၉၄၉ နံဢ္လါဖ့ၯႀဘဴၯအါရံၯ ၁၁ သီအနံၯန႔ဢ္လီၯ. ဖဲမုဿ္နံၯအ၀ဲန႔ဢ္ကညီဖိလဿကီဿ္ပယီၯဒီဘ့ဢ္ညါလဲၯပာ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္အသးလဿခူဒိဢ္၀့ဿ္ထီတဖဢ္အပူၯအိဢ္
ဃုာ္ဒီးတဿ္ကိးသႀတီ ၄ ထံဢ္လဿတဿ္ကြဲးအီၯလဿလံာ္မဲာ္ဖ်ဿဢ္ဖးဒိဢ္လဿတဿ္ကံးညာ္ဖးလဲဿ္အလိၯ

ဒီးတဿ္ကိးသႀတီ ၄ ထံဢ္န႔ဢ္မ့ဿ္၀ဲ

၁. ဟ့ဢ္ကညီကီဿ္တဘ်ီဃီ-ကရင္ျပည္ခ်က္ခ်င္းေပး
၂. ကညီတဘး ပယီၯတဘးဒုးနဲဢ္တဘ်ီဃီ-ကရင္တက်ပ္ ဗမာတက်ပ္ခ်က္ခ်င္းျပ
၃. ပတအဲဢ္ဒိးကလုာ္ကဒဲကဒဲတဿ္အ့ဢ္လိာ္ဘဢ္-လူမ်ိဳးေရးအဓိက႐ုဏ္းအလိုမ႐ွိ
၄. ပတအဲဢ္ဒိးထံလီဿ္ကီဿ္ပူၯတဿ္ဒုးဘဢ္-ျပည္တြင္းစစ္အလိုမ႐ွိ…..သ့ဢ္တဖဢ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ.

ဖဲမုဿ္နံၯအ၀ဲန႔ဢ္မ့ဿ္မုဿ္တနံၯလဿကီဿ္ဒီဘ့ဢ္ညါအပူၯကညီဖိတဖဢ္၊ ပ်ီပူၯမ့ဿ္ဂ့ၯ၊ ကစဿဿ္က်ါမ့ဿ္
ဂ့ၯ၊မိဿ္လုပဿ္လဿ္တစံး၊ခရံာ္ဖိတစံး၊ ဘူးဒးတစံးလဿတဿ္သးတဖ်ဿဢ္ဃီအပူၯလဲၯပာ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္အ
သးလဿခူ၀့ဿ္တဖဢ္အပူၯလဿကီဿ္ဒီးဘ့ဢ္ညါအပူၯလဿအမ့ဿ္ပွၯအဲဢ္တဿ္မုာ္တဿ္ခုဢ္၊ အဲဢ္တဿ္
တီၯပတီဿ္တုၯသိးသိးဒီးအဲဢ္ဒိးအထံအကီဿ္ဒဢ္၀ဲန႔ဢ္လီၯ. လဿကညီဖိအတဿ္စံဢ္စိၯတဲစိၯအပူၯ
ကလုာ္ညါအတဿ္အဲဢ္ဒိးတဿ္ပာ္သးအံၯလဿတဿ္သညဴးသပွဿ္အပူၯဖဲမုဿ္နံၯအ၀ဲန႔ဢ္လီၯ. ဖဲတဿ္
က်ဲမုဿ္တဖဢ္လဿတဿ္ဘွ႔ဢ္တဿ္ဘွီဢ္အပူၯအိဢ္ဒီးနီဢ္တယဿ္လဿတဿ္ကိးသႀတီ ၄ ထံဢ္အိဢ္ကြဲးလီၯ

သးလဿအလိၯန႔ဢ္လီၯ. ဖဲကီဿ္သူလ့ၯဒီကီဿ္ညါခီကရဲး Congress အဆိကတဿဿ္တဘ်ီလဿဘဢ္
တဿ္မၯအီၯဖဲ၀့ဿ္ဖဢ္ပူဢ္ဖဲ ၁၉၅၃ နံဢ္လါနိဢ္၀့ဘဿဢ္၂၃သီအနံၯန႔ဢ္တဿ္ဆွဿႏုာ္၀ဲဒဢ္လဿတဿ္ကပာ္
ဖိးဖိးလဿအအဲဢ္ဒိး၀ဲကညီကီဿ္အံၯဒ္အမ့ဿ္ ႃႃကညီဒီကလုာ္အမုဿ္နံၯ႗႗ အသိးန႔ဢ္လီၯ. ဒီးတဿ္အိဢ္


ဖဆပလ အသးတအိဢ္လ့ၯတက့ၯလဿကဟ့ဢ္ကညီဖိမ့ဿ္ဂ့ၯ၊ ကလုာ္ဒူဢ္အဂၯတဖဢ္မ့ဿ္ဂ့ၯလဿအ
လဿကီဿ္ဒီဘ့ဢ္ညါအပူၯလံန႔ဢ္လီၯ. ဖဲ ၁၉၄၉ နံဢ္လါယႏူၯအါရံၯ ၂၈ သီအနံၯန႔ဢ္ ဖဆပလ အပွၯ
စိာ္စုက၀ဲၯတဖဢ္လဲၯထီဢ္ထုး၀ဲ KNU-ခ့ဢ္အဲဢ္ယူဢ္ ကညီဒီကလုာ္စဿဖွိဢ္ကရဿအ၀ဲၯလီဿ္ခိဢ္သ့ဢ္အ
တဿ္တဒုးခီဆဿက့ၯအ၀ဲသ့ဢ္တဘ်ီဃီဘဢ္. ဒီးဖဲ ၁၉၄၉ နံဢ္လါယႏူၯအါရံၯ၃၁ သီမုဿ္ဆဢ္အနံၯ
Mondayဂီၯခီဂီၯဂီၯဖဲပွၯမံတပဿဿ္ထီဢ္ဒံးအဆဿကတီဿ္ ဖဆပလအသုးဖိတဖဢ္ထီဢ္ထုး၀ဲဒဢ္
အ့စ့ဢ္လဿအမ့ဿ္ KNDO
အ၀ဲၯလီဿ္ခိဢ္သ့ဢ္ဒီးမ့ဿ္စ့ဿ္ကီး ကညီဒီကလုာ္စဿဖွိဢ္ကရဿအခိဢ္အနဿ္ဒိဢ္ထီတဖဢ္အါဂၯအိဢ္ဆိး၀ဲန႔ဢ္လီၯ.
ဒီးတနံၯဃီအ၀ဲန႔ဢ္ ဖဆပလ အပဒိဢ္ဘိးဘဢ္ရၯလီၯ၀ဲဒဢ္လဿကညီဒီကလုာ္ဂဿၯသးကရဿ KNDO ဒီး
မိဢ္ဒီကလုာ္ဂဿၯသးကရဿ MNDO မ့ဿ္ကရဿလဿအတဖိးသဲစးဘဢ္သ့ဢ္တဖဢ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ. တခ်ဳးဖဲအဟဲထီဢ္
၀ဲဒဢ္အ့စ့ဢ္ဘဢ္န႔ဢ္ ဖဆပလ အပွၯစိာ္စုက၀ဲၯတဖဢ္က၀ီၯပာ္၀ဲဒဢ္အ့စ့ဢ္လဿခိဒီးလဿထံခံကပၯလဿာ္ဒ္
ကြံာ္ဒုဢ္ဒါလဿအဟဲထီဢ္ဒုးအ၀ဲသ့ဢ္တဖဢ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ. ဒီးတကတီဿ္ဃီဖဲန႔ဢ္ KNDO အ၀ဲၯလီဿ္ခိဢ္သ့ဢ္
ဒုးပဿဿ္ဆဿထီဒါ ဖဆပလ အပဒိဢ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ. လဿတဿ္န႔ဢ္အဃိ လါယႏူၯအါရံၯ ၃၁ သီ ဘဢ္တဿ္ပာ္ပနီဢ္
ဒီးသ့ဢ္ညါပးကဲအီၯဒ္ ႃႃကညီတဿ္ပဿဿ္ဆဿအမုဿ္နံၯ႗႗အသိးတုၯမုဿ္မဆါတနံၯအံၯန႔ဢ္လီၯ.

အတဿ္ကြဲးလဿကညီဟံဢ္ဖိဃီိဖိပွာ္ယဲၯသန့အပူၯလီၯ. အိဢ္ခိးကြဿ္ဘဢ္ဆူညါတက့ဿ္.


အအိဢ္ဘဢ္ထြဲ ပပွၯကညီအတဿ္ဂဲၯလိာ္တဿ္လဿကဒိးန႔ဿ္ဘဢ္ကညီဒီကလုာ္အ
မူဘဢ္ဒ္ပွၯတကလုာ္အသိးအဂီဿ္ဂဲၯလိာ္တ့ဿ္လံ၀ဲစးထီဢ္လဿ ၁၈၈၁ နံဢ္လံၯလံၯ

ကညီဒီကလုာ္ကရဿ Karen National Association (KNA)
ကညီဒီကလုာ္ကရဿအံၯဘဢ္တဿ္ဒုးအိဢ္ထီဢ္အီၯဖဲ ၁၈၈၁ နံဢ္လဿကညီဖိလဿအ
တဿဿ္တဖဢ္လဿအမၯန႔ဿ္ဘဢ္ဖႜဢ္စိမိၯမံၯလၯသဢ္ကပီၯတဖဢ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ. မ့ဿ္ပွၯတဖဢ္လဿအတကြဿ္အနီဿ္ကစဿ္တဂၯဂီဿ္အဘ်ဳးဒဢ္၀ဲဘဢ္၊ညိကြံာ္လီဿ္ဒိဢ္လၯ
ထီဒီးဟံးထီဢ္ဖီဢ္ထီဢ္မူဒါလဿတဿ္မၯစဿၯ၊ တဿ္မၯဒိဢ္ထီဢ္ထီထီဢ္က့ၯအပွၯကလုာ္
တဖဢ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ. ကရဿအံၯဘဢ္တဿ္ဒုးအိဢ္ထီဢ္အီၯလဿခိဢ္နဿ္လဿအမ့ဿခရံာ္ဖိတဖဢ္
ဘဢ္ဆဢ္ ဒီကလုာ္ကရဿအံၯဆဿထဿဢ္လဿကညီဖိခဲလဿာ္အတဿ္လဲၯထီဢ္လဲၯထီ၊
အတဿ္ဘဢ္ဘီဢ္ဘဢ္ညီအဂီဿ္တအိဢ္ဒီးတဿ္ပာ္တဿ္အဒူဢ္အဆဿနီတမံၯဘဢ္. ဖဲယ
ပဢ္ပဿကီဿ္ပယီၯတစိဿ္ဖိအဆဿကတီဿ္မ့ဿ္လဿ(BIA) Burma Independent Army သုးတဖဢ္အတဿ္မၯအဿမၯနးအဃိခိဢ္နဿ္တဖဢ္ဟူးဂဲၯက့ၯတဘူဢ္လဿၯအဃိကရဿ

ဘူးဒးခြါသးစဿ္ကရဿ Young Men Buddhist Association(YMBA)
ဘူးဒးခြါသးစဿ္ကရဿအံၯဘဢ္တဿ္ဒုးအိဢ္ထီဢ္အီၯဖဲ ၁၉၄၇ နံဢ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ.  ဘဢ္ဆဢ္

ဘူးဒးကညီဒီကလုာ္ကရဿ Buddhist Karen National Association(BKNA)
ဘဢ္တဿ္ဒုးအိဢ္ထီဢ္အီၯဖဲ ၁၉၃၉ နံဢ္တခ်ဳးဟီဢ္ခိဢ္တဿ္ဒုးဖးဒိဢ္ခံဘ်ီတဘ်ီကဲထီဢ္
တဖဢ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ. ကညီခရံာ္ဖိတနီၯႏုာ္လီၯလဿကရဿအံၯအပူၯစ့ဿ္ကီးန႔ဢ္လီၯ. ကရဿအံၯစ့ဿ္ကီးဖဲယပဢ္ဟဲႏုာ္လီၯပဿကီဿ္ပယီၯအဆဿကတီဿ္န႔ဢ္တဟူးတဂဲၯ

ကညီလီဿ္ခဿဢ္သးကရဿ Karen Central Organization(KCO)
ကရဿအံၯဘဢ္တဿ္ဒုးအိဢ္ထီဢ္အီၯဖဲ ၁၉၄၃ နံဢ္ဖဲယပဢ္ဟဲပဿကီဿ္ပယီၯအဆဿအ
စ့ဿ္ကီးဘဢ္. ကညီလီဿ္ခဿဢ္သးကရဿ အတဿ္အိဢ္ဖွိဢ္ဖးဒိဢ္တဿတဘ်ီဘဢ္တဿ္မၯ
အီၯဖဲ၀့ဿ္တကူဢ္ဖ ဲ၁၉၄၆နံဢ္ လါဖ့ၯႀဘဴၯအါရံၯ၄သီ အနံၯန႔ဢ္လီၯ.မ့ဿ္ဆဿကတီဿ္
ဖဲအဲကလံးဆိကတီဿ္ကြံာ္အသုးတဿ္ပဿဖဲ(CAS-B) ဒီး Sir Paw Tun ပဒိဢ္ထီဢ္ပဿ
တဿ္အစိၯန႔ဢ္လီၯ. ဖဲ KCO တဿ္အိဢ္ဖွိဢ ္အပူၯတဿ္အဿဢ္လီၯတူဿ္လိာ္လဿကညီဖိ
တဖဢ္ကက်ဲးစဿးသကိးဃူဃူဖိးဖိးလဿတဿ္မၯန႔ဿ္ကညီကီဿ္အဂီဿ္ ဒီးလဿတဿ္ဃ့ဒ္
သိးအဲကလံးကဟ့ဢ္ကညီကီဿ္အဂီဿ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ. စီၯသဢ္ဒ့ဢ္၊ စီၯဖိခႜံး၊ စံးတနံဢ္လူဢ္နံဢ္္္ဒီးစီၯဘးအူကႜံပာ္ဖွိဢ္ဃုာ္သးဒီးကညီတဿ္ရ့လိာ္မုာ္လိာ္ခဿဢ္စးတဖု

ကညီသးစဿ္ကရဿ Karen Youth Organization(KYO)
ဖဲ ခ့ဢ္စံဢ္အိဢ္ တဿ္အိဢ္ဖွိဢ္ဖးဒိဢ္၀ံၯအလီဿ္ခံန႔ဢ္ကညီသးစဿ္ခိဢ္နဿ္တနီၯဃ့၀ဲလဿက
ဒုးအိဢ္ထီဢ္ကညီသးစဿ္ကရဿ (KYO) အဂီဿ္ဒီးစံး၀ဲလဿတမ့ဿ္လဿကထုးဖးအသးဒီး
(KCO) အဂီဿ္ဘဢ္မ့မ့ဿ္တခီဒ္သိး ကဆီဢ္ထြဲခ့ဢ္စံဢ္အိဢ္အတဿ္မၯဒီးဂုာ္က်ဲးစဿးလီၯ
ဆီဒဢ္တဿ္လဿသးစဿ္တဖဢ္အတဿ္ဆဲးတဿ္လၯ၊ တဿ္ကူဢ္ဘဢ္ကူဢ္သ့ဒီးတဿ္လိာ္ခိဢ္
လိာ္ကြဲအဂီဿ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ.ခ့ဢ္စံဢ္အိဢ္အဿဢ္လီၯအ၀ဲသ့ဢ္အတဿ္ဃ့ဒီး ကညီသးစဿ္ကရဿ

ကညီဒီကလုာ္စဿဖွိဢ္ကရဿ Karen National Union(KNU)
အီဢ္ဆါ-အဲးတလံ အလံာ္ဃံးဃာ္လဿတဿ္မၯအီၯလဿကီဿ္အဲကလံးအပူၯန႔ဢ္တဿ္ကဲ
န႔ဢ္လဿအမ့ဿ္ KNA,BKNA,KCO ဒီး KYO  အခိဢ္အနဿ္ဒီးခဿဢ္စးသ့ဢ္တဖဢ္မၯတဿ္
သကိးဘဢ္ဃးကညီကလုာ္အတဿ္ဂဲၯလိာ္ဆူညါလဿကညီကီဿ္အဂီဿ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ. တဿ္အိဢ္ဖွိဢ္ထံဢ္၀ဲလဿကညီတဿ္ကရဿကရိတဖုစုာ္စုာ္မ့ဿ္ဂဲၯလိာ္ဒဢ္အတဿ္လီၯလီၯ
ဆီဆီဒီးမ့ဿ္တမၯသကိးတဿ္ဃူဃူဖိးဖိးဘဢ္န႔ဢ္တဂ့ၯထဲသိးဒီး တဿ္ပာ္ဖွိဢ္ထီဢ္သးဒီး
မၯသကိးတဿ္တဖုဃီတကရဿဃီဃူဃူဖိးဖိးဘဢ္ အဃိအဿဢ္လီၯသကိး၀ဲလဿကညီ
လဿကမၯန႔ဿ္ကညီကီဿ္သဘ်႕အဂီဿ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ. ကညီဒီကလုာ္စဿဖွိဢ္ကရဿ
Karen National Union ဘဢ္တဿ္ဒုးအိဢ္ထီဢ္အီၯဖဲ ၁၉၄၇ နံဢ္လါဖ့ၯႀဘဴၯအါရံၯ ၅ သီအနံၯဒီးတဿ္ဃုထဿထီဢ္ခိဢ္နဿ္တဖဢ္လဿကတီခိဢ္ရိဢ္မဲကညီဒီကလုာ္စဿဖွိဢ္ကရဿ

ကရဿခိဢ္-စီၯစဢ္ဖိသ့ဢ္၊ ကရဿခိဢ္ခံ-အူလးဖ့ဢ္၊ နဲဢ္႐ြဲဢ္-သရဢ္သဢ္ထိဢ္၊ နဲဢ္႐ြဲဢ္သ
ဃဲၯ-မါကႜ႔မစ္ထိအီဢ္၊ ပွၯပဿၯစ့-မါဘးခ့ဢ္၊ ဒီးကရဿဖိတဖဢ္မ့ဿ္၀ဲ-စီၯဘးအူကႜံ၊ စီၯ
သဢ္ဒ့ဢ္၊ မါ၀့မီဢ္၊ စီၯဟဿထဿဢ္သဢ္မြ႔၊ မါဘးဇဢ္၊ စီၯကႜီဢ္စ့ဢ္၊ ဖီလ္အ့ည့၊ စီၯစဲခ့ဢ္၊
စီၯအီဢ္၀့ ဒီးစီၯစံးတနံဢ္လူဢ္နံဢ္သ့ဢ္တဖဢ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ. တဿ္အိဢ္ဖွိဢ္ဖဲ ၁.၇.၄၇ အနံၯလဿအဘဢ္ဃးဒီးတဿ္ကြဿ္ကဒါက့ၯအီဢ္ဆါ-အဲးတလံအလံာ္ဃံးဃာ္ဒီးတူဿ္
၁. တဿ္လဲၯထံဢ္လိာ္ဒီးအဲကလံးအခါကညီခဿဢ္စးတပဢ္ဘဢ္
၂. တဿ္ကမၯလံာ္ဃံးဃာ္အံၯအဂီဿ္တဿ္တကတိၯကူဢ္လိာ္သကိးတဿ္ဒီးကညီ
၃. တဿ္ကဒုးအိဢ္ထီဢ္ထံကီဿ္သဲစးတဿ္ဘ်ဿခိဢ္သ့ဢ္လဿဘ်ီဢ္ဒိဢ္အပူၯ ကညီခဿဢ္္စးစွၯမး
၄. ကညီသုးမုဿ္လီၯဆီလဿအအိဢ္ပာ္လံန႔ဢ္တဿ္တပာ္လီၯဆီအီၯလဿၯဘဢ္
၅. တဿ္တပာ္ဖ်ါဘဢ္ဃးကညီကီဿ္လဿကညီဃ့၀ဲအဂ့ဿ္န႔ဢ္နီတမံၯဘဢ္သ့ဢ္တဖဢ္
လဿ ၁၉၄၇ နံဢ္လါမာ္
႐ွး ၃၁သီအနံၯဒီးအဲကလံးပဒိဢ္မ့ဿ္တစံးဆဿမ့တမ့ဿ္မ့ဿ္တတူဿ္လိာ္ကညီအတဿ္ဃ့
၁. ကညီဖိတဖဢ္ကပာ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္အသးလဿအထီဒါ အီဢ္ဆါ-အဲးတလံ လံာ္ဃံးဃာ္ဒီး
၂. ကညီဖိတဖဢ္ကထီဒါတဿ္ႏုာ္လီၯဘ်ီဢ္ဒိဢ္ခဿဢ္စးတဿ္ဃုထဿန႔ဢ္လီၯ.
တကတီဿ္ဃီဖဲန႔ဢ္တဿ္ဆွဿထီဢ္စ့ဿ္ကီးလံာ္ဆူ ဖဆပလ ပဒိဢ္အအိဢ္ဒီးဃ့စ့ဿ္ကီး၀ဲ
၁. ၁-ကီဿ္ရ့ဢ္လဿတန႔ဿ္ဘဢ္အခြဲးလဿကဃုထဿကညီဘ်ီဢ္ဒိဢ္ခဿဢ္စးတဖဢ္ဒ္အမ့ဿ္
္၀ဲအ့စ့ဢ္၊ပကိ၊ ဟဢ္သဢ္၀ံဢ္တံဢ္၊ ဖႜဢ္ပူဢ္၊ ဒ၀ဲဿ္ဒီးဘ်ံးတဖဢ္အဂီဿ္တဿ္ကဟ့ဢ္အါထီဢ္
ကညီဘ်ီဢ္ဒိဢ္ခဿဢ္စးခဲလဿာ္ ၁၇ ဂၯ
၁. ၂-ကိတိာ္ကရဿခဲဘံနဲးအပူၯတဿ္ကပာ္ကညီကိတိာ္ခဲလဿာ္ ၂၅ မ်းကယၯန႔ဢ္လီၯ.
၂. လဿတဿ္ဃုထဿထီဢ္ဘ်ီဢ္ဒိဢ္ခဿဢ္စးအသီအပူၯတဿ္ကပာ္ကညီဘ်ီဢ္ဒိဢ္ခဿဢ္စးခဲ
လဿာ္ ၂၅ မ်းကယၯန႔ဢ္လီၯ.
၃. တဿ္ကပာ္လီၯဆီကညီသုးမုဿ္ဒ္လဿညါအသိး
၄. တဿ္ကအဿဢ္လီၯလဿကအိဢ္ဒီးတဿ္ပာ္သးလဿကဟ့ဢ္ကညီကီဿ္အဂီဿ္
၅. လဿတဿ္ပဿတဿ္ျပးအပူၯလဿ၀ဲၯက်ိၯခဲလဿာ္န႔ဢ္တဿ္ကဟ့ဢ္ကညီဖိတဖဢ္အလီဿ္ဒ္
၆. တုၯမ့ဿ္တဿ္မၯဘ်ီဢ္ဒိဢ္တဿ္ဃုထဿ၀ံၯလံန႔ဢ္တဿ္ကထဿဖးဖီမုဿ္ပွၯနီဢ္ဂံဿ္စရီ
လဿတဿ္ဃ့ဃုဘီအံၯအက်ါ ဖဆပလ ပဒိဢ္အဿဢ္လီၯလဿကမၯ၀ဲထဲတဿ္ထဿဖးဖီမုဿ္
္ပွၯနီဢ္ဂံဿ္စရီတခါဧိၯန႔ဢ္လီၯ. ဖဆပလ ပဒိဢ္အတဿ္စံးဆဿတဖဢ္တမ့ဿ္တဿ္လဿအဒုး
ဖဲ ၁၉၄၇ နံဢ္လါအ့ျဖံး ၄ သီအနံၯဒီးတဿ္ကိးခ့ဢ္အဲဢ္ယူဢ္ပဿဆွဿတဿ္ကမံတံၯတဿ္အိဢ္
ဖွိဢ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ.ဖဲအတဿ္အိဢ္အပူၯန႔ဢ္ KYO ခိဢ္နဿ္တဖဢ္ဃ့၀ဲလဿတဿ္ကထုးကြံာ္တဿ္ဆွဿ
ႏုာ္တဖဢ္ဒီးတဿ္မ့ဿ္တထုးကြံာ္တခီအ၀ဲသ့ဢ္ကဟးထီဢ္လဿ ခ့ဢ္အဲဢ္ယူဢ္ ပဿဆွဿတဿ္က

ကညီဒီလုာ္ဂဿၯသးကရဿ Karen National Defence Organization(KNDO)
ဖဆပလ ပဒိဢ္အိဢ္စ့ဿ္ကီးဒီးတဿ္ရဲဢ္တဿ္က်ဲၯ၊ တဿ္ကတီၯသးလဿကမၯဟးဂီၯမၯသဘွံး
ကြံာ္ကညီဖိတဖဢ္အဃိဖဲ ၁၉၄၇ နံဢ္လါယူၯလံ ၁၆ သီန႔ဢ္ မါဘးဇဢ္လဿအမ့ဿ္ ခ့ဢ္အဲဢ္
ယူဢ္ပဿဆွဿတဿ္ကမံတံၯဖိဒီးဟံး န႔ဿ္မူဒါဘဢ္ဃးတဿ္ဒီသဒဿန႔ဢ္ကိးတဿ္အိဢ္ဖွိဢ္ဖဲ၀့ဿ္တ
ကူဢ္သရဢ္၀ံးတူဢ္ကႜိကရဿဿ္ပူၯဒီးဖဲတဿ္အိဢ္ဖွိဢ္အပူၯန႔ဢ္တဿ္ဒုးအိဢ္ထီဢ္ ကညီဒီကလုာ္

အတဿ္ကြဲးလဿကညီဟံဢ္ဖိဃီိဖိပွာ္ယဲၯသန့အပူၯလီၯ. အိဢ္ခိးကြဿ္လဿအကူာ္ခံတက့ဿ္.



လႈိင္းဘြဲ႕ၿမိဳ႕နယ္အမတ္က လႊတ္ေတာ္မွာ ေမးျမန္းတာကို စစ္အစိုးရရဲ႕ ေျပာေရးဆိုခြင့္အဖြဲ႕ ေခါင္းေဆာင္ ျပန္ၾကားေရး၀န္ႀကီး ဦးေက်ာ္ဆန္း ေျဖၾကား တာႏွင့္ပတ္သက္ၿပီးက်ေနာ္အနည္းငယ္တံု႔ျပန္ျခင္ပါတယ္။

၄င္းကိစၥႏွင့္ပတ္သက္ၿပီးေနာ္ေမဦး၏ေခ်ပခ်က္မ်ားသည္ လက္ေတြ႔က်သလို စစ္မွန္ေသာအေျဖဟု က်ေနာ္ျမင္ မိပါတယ္။ ဦေက်ာ္ဆန္း အဓိကစြတ္ဆြဲခ်က္မွာ ထိုင္းျမန္မာနယ္စပ္ရိွဒုကၡသည္စခန္း၊ ထိုင္းႏိုင္ငံေႀကာင့္ ကရင္ေတာ္လွန္လွန္ေရးမၿပီးဆံုးျခင္း ဆိုၿပီး အမည္မတပ္ေသာ္လည္း ထိုင္းႏိုင္ငံ ကိုရည္ညြန္းေျပာဆိုထားပါ တယ္။

နအဖ သတင္းစာတြင္အျမဲေဖၚျပေလ့ရိွေသာ ၀န္ႀကီးေက်ာ္ဆန္း ႏွင့္ နအဖ ၏လက္သံုးစကားတစ္ခုမွာ-

“ လက္တစ္ဆုတ္စာသာရိွေသာ KNU အဖ်က္သမား” ဆိုၿပီးထပ္ကာထပ္ကာ ေဖၚျပေလ့ရိွပါတယ္။ နယ္စပ္တ ေလွ်ာက္ရိွဒုကၡသည္ စခန္းကို KNU စခန္းလို႔ေျပာလွ်င္ KNU ရဲ့စစ္သားအေရအတြက္ဟာ နအဖ စစ္သားအေရ အတြက္လို သိန္းဂဏာန္းထက္မနည္းႏိုင္တာ သိသာပါတယ္။ KNU ဟာ ထိုင္းႏိုင္ငံႏွင့္ ျပည္ပႏိုင္ငံေတြဆီမွ အကူအညီ ႏွင့္ရွင္သန္ေၾကာင္း နအဖ သတင္းစာ ႏွင့္ ၀န္ႀကီးဦးေက်ာ္ဆန္း ၏ သတင္းစာရွင္းလင္းပြဲေတြမွာ အျမဲေျပာေလ့ရိွပါတယ္။ ဦးေက်ာ္ဆန္းေျပာသလိုသာ မွန္ရင္ သိန္းဂဏန္းရိွတဲ့ KNU စစ္အင္အား ဟာ ထိုင္းႏွင့္ျပည္ပအကူအညီေတြရရင္ ၿမိဳ႕သိမ္းတိုက္ပြဲေတြ မက တနသၤာရီတိုင္း ႏွင့္ ကရင္ျပည္နယ္ေတြကို အလြယ္တကူ သိမ္းႏိုင္ခဲ့တာၾကာပါၿပီ။

ကရင္ျပည္နယ္မွာရိွတဲ့စစ္ဆင္ေရးကိုၾကည့္ပါ။ နအဖတပ္ေတြရဲ့ က်ဆံုး၊ ထိအခိုက္ တပ္ေျပးစာရင္း ဟာ ပ်မ္းမွ် တစ္လလွ်င္တပ္ရင္း ၂ ရင္းစာကုန္ေနပါတယ္။ ဗိုလ္မႈးခ်ဳပ္ႏႈတ္ခမ္းေမႊး ရဲ့ KNU ႏွင့္ပူးေပါင္းတပ္ေတြကို တုိက္ခဲ့ တာ ၃ လေက်ာ္သြားပါၿပီ၊ ၃ လအတြင္း အဲဒီေဒသမွာ ဆံုးရႈံးခဲ့တဲ့ နအဖ တပ္အေရအတြက္ဟာ တပ္ရင္း ၁၀ ရင္းေက်ာ္ပါၿပီ။ ဒီတိုက္ပြဲေနရာတစ္ေလွ်ာက္ကိုၾကည့္ျခင္းအားျဖင့္ KNU တပ္ေတြ ဘယ္မွာရိွတယ္ဆိုတာ သိ သာပါတယ္။ ဒုကၡသည္စခန္းေတြ ႏွင့္ဘာမွမဆိုင္ပါ။ နအဖ စစ္သားေတြရဲ့ေသြးေျမက်ေနတဲ့ ေနရာေတြကို ၾကည့္ျခင္းအားျဖင့္ KNU ဟာ ကရင္ျပည္နယ္ထဲမွာဘဲ ရိွေနတာ ထင္ရွားေနပါတယ္။

ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးႏွင့္ ပတ္သက္ၿပီး ဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္ျမ ဦးေဆာင္တဲ့ KNU အဖြဲ႔ ရန္ကုန္မွာ ေဆြးေႏြးခဲ့တာေတြ ျပန္ၾကည့္ပါ။ အဲဒီတံုးက KNU ဟာအပစ္ရပ္လက္မွတ္ထိုးရန္အဆင္သင့္ ျဖစ္ေနၿပီး စစ္မွန္ေသာ ၿငိမ္းျခမ္းေရးတြက္ နအဖ လက္မွတ္ထိုးရန္ ေတာင္းဆိုခဲ့ပါတယ္။ သို႕ေသာ္လည္း ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးတြက္ နအဖ ဖက္မွ ပ်က္ကြက္ခဲ့ပါ တယ္။ လက္နက္ကိုင္အားလံုး ၁၇ ဖြဲ႔ အပစ္ရပ္ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးသေဘာတူၿပီးမွ KNU ကို အျဖည့္သေဘာ သာ စ ကားေျပာတာကိုၾကည့္ျခင္းအားျဖင့္ နအဖ အာဏာရွင္ဟာ KNU ႏွင့္ဘယ္ေတာ့မွ ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရး လုပ္မွာ မဟုတ္ေၾကာင္း သက္ေသျပေနပါတယ္။

အႏွစ္ ၂၀ နီးပါး အပစ္ရပ္ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးယူခဲ့တဲ့အဖြဲ႔ေတြရဲ့ ျဖတ္သန္းခဲ့တဲ့ခရီးကို ၾကည့္ခ်င္းအားျဖင့္ နအဖ ေပးတဲ့ ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးဟာ အတုအေယာင္ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးျဖစ္သလို ေပးခဲ့တဲ့ကတိေတြအတိုင္း ေဆာင္ရြက္ဖို႔နအဖ ဖက္ မွအၿမဲ တမ္းပ်က္ကြက္ခဲ့ပါတယ္။ ဒိျပင္ အပစ္ရပ္ေဒသေတြမွာ ေနထိုင္တဲ့ျပည္သူေတြဟာ လူေနမႈ႕ဘ၀ မတိုးတက္တဲ့ ျပင္ နအဖ အစိုးရတပ္ေတြရဲ့ အတင္းအဓမၼေစခိုင္းျခင္း၊ လယ္ယာေျမသိမ္းျခင္း၊ အႏိုင္က်င့္ျခင္း၊ ဌာနဆိုင္ရာ ေတြရဲ့မတရားသျဖင့္ အႏိုင္က်င့္ျခင္းေတြ ပိုမိုခံစားလာရပါတယ္။ ေဒသခံမ်ား၏ စား၀တ္ေနေရး ပိုမိုက်ပ္တည္း လာတဲ့ျပင္ ေဒသထြက္ သဘာ၀ သံယာဇာတအရင္းအျမစ္မ်ား သည္ တုိင္းျပည္အတြက္အက်ိဳးျဖစ္ထြန္းဖို႔ထက္ စစ္ဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္မိသားစု ႏွင့္ ေနာက္လိုက္ စီးပြါးေရးသမားေတြကိုသာ အက်ိဳးျဖစ္ထြန္းခဲ့ပါတယ္။ ဒါ့ေၾကာင့္ ျမန္မာျပည္ ဆင္းရဲျခင္း ႏွင့္ ျပည္တြင္းစစ္ျဖစ္ေနရျခင္းသည္ နအဖ တြင္သာ လံုးလံုးလ်ားလ်ား တာ၀န္ရိွပါ တယ္။

ထိုင္းျမန္မာနယ္စပ္တစ္ေလွ်ာက္ရိွဒုကၡသည္စခန္းေတြဟာ KNU ေတြေဆာက္ထားတာမဟုတ္သလို KNU အတြက္ ထိုင္းကေဆာက္ေပးတာလဲမဟုတ္ပါ။ နအဖ ကရြာေတြကိုဖ်က္၊ အရပ္သားေတြကို သတ္ျဖတ္ေနလို႔ ဒုကၡသည္ စခန္းေတြျဖစ္လာတာပါ။ အဲဒီဒုကၡသည္စခန္းေတြေၾကာင့္ ထိုင္းႏိုင္ငံအ တြက္၀န္ထုတ္၀န္ပိုးျဖစ္ေနရသလို အဲဒီ ၀န္ထုတ္၀န္ပိုးေတြကလႊတ္ေျမာက္ေအာင္ ထိုင္းႏိုင္ငံက နည္းမ်ိဳးစံုျဖင့္ႀကိဳးစားေနတာ ျမင္ေနရပါတယ္။ သက္ေသျပရမည္ဆိုလွ်င္ ၂၀၀၆ တုန္းက ေနျပည္ေတာ္ မိုင္ ၅၀ ပတ္လည္မွာရိွတဲ့ ကရင္ ႏွင့္ ကယား တုိင္း ရင္းသားရြာေတြကို ရွင္းထုတ္တုန္းက ထြက္ေျပးလာတဲ့ ဒုကၡသည္ ေတြကို ထိုင္းႏိုင္ငံက လံုး၀ ၀င္ခြင့္မေပးသ ျဖင့္ ကရင္အရပ္သားေသာင္းႏွင့္ခ်ီၿပီး ဒုကၡေရာက္ခဲ့ပါတယ္။ ဒါေတြကို သတင္းႏွင့္ျပန္ၾကားေရး၀န္ႀကီးဦး ေက်ာ္ဆန္းဘယ္လို ရွင္းျပႏိုင္ပါသလဲ။ ဒါေၾကာင့္ ဒုကၡသည္စခန္းျဖစ္လာတာဟာ နအဖ မွာသာလံုး၀ တာ၀န္ရိွ ေၾကာင္းထင္ရွားေနပါတယ္။

ႏွစ္ ၆၀ ေက်ာ္ၿပီျဖစ္တဲ့ ျပည္တြင္းစစ္စတင္သည့္အေၾကာင္းအရင္းသည္ ျမန္မာျပည္တစ္၀ွမ္းမွာ ေနထိုင္ေနတဲ့ တုိင္းရင္းသားမ်ားကို တန္းတူရည္တူမဆက္ဆံဘဲ ႏိုင္လိုမင္းထက္ အႏိုင္က်င့္သည့္ စနစ္ေၾကာင့္ ျပည္တြင္းစစ္ စတင္ခဲ့ျခင္းပါတယ္။ လက္ရိွ နအဖ သည္ တိုင္းရင္းသားပါမကေတာ့ဘဲ ျပည္သူအမ်ားစု ကို မတရား ဖိႏွိပ္အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္မႈ႕ေၾကာင့္ ျပည္တြင္း ပဋိပခအဆံုးမသပ္ႏိုင္ျခင္းျဖစ္ေနပါတယ္။ အရပ္သားျပည္သူမ်ားကို အႏိုင္က်င့္သတ္ျဖတ္တဲ့ နအဖ မူဟာ ကိုယ့္အိမ္ကို ကိုယ္တိုင္ျပန္မီးရိႈ႔ေနတာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ၀န္ႀကီးဦးေက်ာ္ဆန္း ၏ေျပာစကားဟာ ကိုယ္တိုင္္ကျပန္ရိႈ႔လို႔ ကိုယ့္အိမ္မီးေလာင္ေနတာ ေဘးအိမ္က ရိႈ႕လို႕ေလာင္တာပါဟုေျပာေန တာႏွင့္တူေနပါသည္။

အမွားကိုျမင္ အမွန္ျပင္လ်က္ စစ္မွန္ေသာၿငိမ္းခ်ိမ္းေရးေဖၚေဆာင္ႏိုင္ပါေစ

မတ္လ ၂၈ ရက္၊ ၂၀၁၁


Ethnic Conflict and Problems of Insurgency

Forgotten Victims of a Hidden war

Ethnic Groups in Burma Development, Democracy and Human Rights

Karen People Life in Picture

A Lesson from the Past: the fate of the Karen Revolutionary Council

A year ago in April 2009, Burma’s military rulers proposed that all
seventeen armed cease-fire groups transform their armies into Border
Guard Forces (BGF) administered by the junta. Tension has increased in
recent months between the Burmese military and the New Mon State Party
(NMSP) and other ethnic resistance groups who have rejected the
regime’s order to transform their armies into a border guard force.

According to local news, the armed wing of the New Mon State Party,
the Mon National Liberation Army, has relocated all its ammunition and
military hardware to a more secure area obviously in preparation for a
conflict. Pressure from the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC)
to coerce the cease-fire groups into the BGF unavoidably means that
the NMSP will be preparing for the worst. Now is a timely reminder
to look back on history.

The fate that the NMSP and other armed resistance groups have been
facing in recent months is quite similar to what happened to the Karen
Revolutionary Council (KRC) in 1965. All the old memories of those
days amazingly become new and fresh again in my mind as if it had
happened yesterday. The pictures of Saw Hunter Tha Hmwe, president of
KRC and General Saw Ohn Pe and Bo Lin Htin, the leaders of KRC,
clearly appear in my memory.

The current situation reminded me of the political developments after
the Revolutionary Council led by General Ne Win seized the state power
on 2nd March, 1962. As soon as it seized State power, the
Revolutionary Council detained all the cabinet members of U Nu’s
government, including Nai Aung Tun and most of the politicians
throughout the country. On 7 July 1962 to show its might, the
Revolutionary Council killed over 100 students from Rangoon University
who peacefully staged a demonstration in the university compound. The
next day, early in the morning of 8 July, 1962, RC ordered Major Sein
Lwin to blow up the Students Union Building with dynamite. All the
students, who were still sleeping inside the building, were killed. I
was lucky to be a student at Moulmein College at the time. Following
the death of the students, the sentiment of civilians against the
Revolutionary Council grew bigger and bigger day by day.

On 11 June, 1963, to everyone’s amazement, the Revolutionary Council
announced Peace-Talks with the armed resistance groups. It seemed to
everyone that, as Revolutionary Council desperately needed to buy time
during the early stages of the coup, calling the Peace-Talks was none
other than to quell the dissident civilians and to stall its

Let me highlight the contrast between the Revolutionary Council Peace-
Talks and the Peace-Offer launched by Gen. Khin Nyunt in 1992. During
the 1963 Peace Talks every armed resistance group could freely take
part and raise their political issues. Above all these parties were
treated respectably with equal consideration alongside the government

In contrast, the armed resistance groups which accepted the Peace-
Offer in 1992 had no rights to raise political issues; instead they
could only hope and bargain for some political rights and social
assistance from the government. In most cases the cease-fire groups
could only accept the terms provided to them by the government. For
instance, in 1995 the NMSP had no chance to raise any political issues
such as the right of self-determination for Mon people. They were
ordered to live in twelve designated places defined by the SPDC whilst
the NMSP could only retain their arms within these areas. In addition,
the NMSP received financial assistance and monthly rice quotas. Since
then no further political discussion has taken place between the

Now let us look back again to the 1963 Peace-Talks. Almost all of
armed resistance organizations came to Rangoon, including the Burma
Communist Party (BCP), Communist Party, Burma (CPB), Karen National
United Party (KNUP), New Mon State Party (NMSP), Karenni National
Progressive Party (KNPP) Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) and
Karen Revolutionary Council (KRC) etc. Nearly all the prominent
leaders of the armed resistance groups, such as Thakin Soe, General
Secretary of CPB, Yeni Kyaw Win and Ma Ngwe San from CPB, Yabaw Htay,
Bo Zeya, Bo Yan Aung, Bo Pu and Thakin Aung Gyi from BCP, Mahn Ba Zan
of KNUP, Nai Shwe Kyin of NMSP and Saw Maw Rai of KNPP, came to
Rangoon for the Peace-Talks. Media outlets had their photos appearing
in all the major newspapers and periodicals. This is still fresh in
my mind and I remember clearly that Thakin Soe of CPB and Yebaw Htay
(BCP) wore their party uniforms. Nai Shwe Kyin wore a white shirt and
gray trousers. The KNUP representatives Mahn Ba Zan, Sakaw Letaw, Bo
Kyin Pe, Bogyouk Tanbala Paw, Saw Than Aung, and Padou San Lin wore
full western attire while KNPP leaders Saw Maw Rai wore their
Karenni’s national dress.

From the very beginning of military rule in Burma which began in 1962

there has been no sincerity on part of the government, the peace
initiatives in 1963 collapsed without any fruitful result. The
Revolutionary Council announced their failure on the 14th of November
1963 and in customary dictatorial fashion blamed the armed resistance
groups for their intransigence and duly arrested politicians and
student leaders that very same evening. Mon leaders, Nai Tun Thein,
Nai Ngwe Thein, Nai Thein Maung, Nai Chan Mon, Nai Nonlar, Nai Kyaung,
Nai Konbalai and Nai Tin Aung, from Mon People’s Front, were also
arrested. All the armed resistance groups, including BCP, NMSP and
KNUP were able to escape and return to their respective camps in the
deep jungle again. Student Unions, throughout the country, immediately
staged a demonstration demanding that the RC immediately resume the
Peace-Talks and release all political and student leaders.

Following the collapse of the Peace-Talks, to everyone’s surprise
among the parties which took part in the peace-talks, only the Karen
Revolutionary Council (KRC) led by Kawcasa Saw Hunter Tha Hmwe and Bo
Lin Htin, reached a peace-agreement with Revolutionary Council.
According to the political agreement, the name of Karen State was
changed into “Kawthoolei State” and the KRC could remain peacefully in
the areas Thaton District and had the right to retain their arms. As
an outcome of the peace-agreement, the members of KRC enjoyed social
assistance from the government such as rice and money. But as everyone
predicted there was no further political discussions whatsoever
between KRC and RC after 1963. Instead the only news heard was about
Kawcasa Saw Hunter Tha Hmwe who was appointed as a Special Education
Official while General Saw Ohn Pe was appointed as a government

To get a clear picture of KRC we need to go back a few decades to
review the Karen revolution. Let me tell you a little bit about Bo Lin
Htin. At the time of peace-agreement, he was the commander of 5th
Brigade of KRC and was very popular during 1954-63 for his bravery in
the battlefields. He was the one person who could not only humiliate
the Burmese army but could at anytime derail the train which ran
between Moulmein and Rangoon. The train was totally at the mercy of Bo
Lin Htin in those days. He also humiliated the Thai’s authorities by
burning the town of Maesot in Tak Province 1954-55. Since then his
name was well-known among the civilians.

Then the KRC army split, one faction was led by Saw Hunter Tha Hmwe.
In 1951 Karen Leaders led by Mahn Ba Zan adopted a new political
strategy called the Second Path. This was a guideline for KNU to seek
self -determination Rights for the Karen People; however, apparently
some Karen Leaders who were not happy with this new strategy. Saw
Hunter Tha Hmwe and his colleagues had occasionally criticised the new
Political Strategy as left-leaning on communist’s political ideology.
In 1956 at the 2nd Kawthoolei Congress in line with the new political
strategy, KNU changed their name to KNUP. On the 26th of May, 1956, at
the Karen National Congress, eleven members of Karen Revolutionary
Council were elected and led by Saw Hunter Tha Hmwe. Literally the KRC
was functioning as an administrative body (government) while the KNUP
stood as the Political Party.

On 20 April, 1963, the leaders of KNUP and the members of KRC held a
joint meeting at Kasawa Camp. Ten members of KRC led by Saw Hunter Tha
Hmwe were not satisfied with the new political strategy called the
Second Path and openly broke away from KNUP. This is the background
history of KRC in a nutshell and during the 1963 Peace-Talks, the KRC,
led by Saw Hunter Tha Hmwe, separately negotiated with Revolutionary
Council. The KRC got a peace deal with the Revolutionary Council,
while KNUP and other armed resistance groups headed back to their
camps in the deep jungle.

After the KRC signed the peace-agreement, to every one’s surprise, Bo
Lin Htin was unusually respected by the Burmese Army Officers who
provided him with a military helicopter for his own personal use. By
helicopter he went back and forth from Thaton to Rangoon and to
everyone’s amazement he unexpectedly married a very famous young lady,
Naw Louisa Benson, who was Miss Burma and a movie actress at the
time. Their wedding ceremony was a celebrity affair held in Rangoon
in front of Gen. Ne Win and State Leaders with some observers saying
that their wedding was like a state wedding ceremony. Politicians
ventured to say that Bo Lin Htin was actually detained in Rangoon and
that the marriage would enable Bo Lin Htin to forget all the Karen
national interests and obligations except for his family affairs.

In reality, Bo Lin Htin never forgot his political obligations for the
Karen people’s self-determination. He always spent time with his
comrades in Thaton after his marriage and approached the Revolutionary
Council many times for the political rights of the Karen people, but
to no avail. He was pressured to transform his troops into a militia
group or Kakwaeye, but came to realize that he could do nothing for
his people according to his peace-agreement. Later he secretly set up
an arrangement and organised to go back to the jungle again. But Gen.
Ne Win soon detected his strategy and clandestinely planned to
eliminate him before he could return. Before his dream came true in
1965, Bo Lin Htin was assassinated by the Military Intelligence (MI)
soldiers in front of his comrades. But the newspaper headlines the
next day read: “Bo Lin Htin was accidentally killed” which appeared in
every daily newspaper, as I remember one paper reported: “The body
guards of Bo Lin Htin opened fire on MI soldiers who had honestly came
to see Bo Lin Htin to discuss some very important issues, and out of
self-defence the soldiers of MI returned fire. During the cross-fire
between the Karen soldiers and MI, a stray bullet hit Bo Lin Htin who
was killed on the spot.”

This story was obviously made up and a far cry from what actually
happened. As a result, the Karen Revolution Council was dismantled
with their soldiers being either killed or detained, but some managed
to escape to the jungle such as Naw Louisa Benson who fled to the Thai-
Burma border areas. Bo Hmu Win and Bo Hmu Phar Lu Kyaw, second
commanders of KRC, were sent to the Moulmein Jail and student leaders
of Moulmein Degree College, including me, were detained after the 1963
demonstration which urged the Revolutionary Council to resume Peace-

The fate of the KRC highlights the fragility of all the cease-fires
with the Burmese Military Regime. When we consider the repercussions
of the Border Guard proposal, this is a timely reminder that we must
never forget our history.

Nai Pe Thein Zar

(Federal University)

April 9, 2010

Reference: Myanmar Pyi Chit Kayin National Leaders/ Maung Sin Kyai


The Karenni and Pa-Oh: Revolution in Burma

The Karenni and Pa-oh (also spelled Pa-O) indigenous groups of Burma share a traditional heritage, but have distinct styles of dress, rituals, mores, languages, and diets. Although both are cultivators, the Pa-oh live on the highland plateaus and open land most suitable for intensive agriculture. Karenni country is a rugged, mountainous terrain with difficult, steep trails, and its people live on slash-and-burn (swidden) cultivation. The Pa-oh are industrious, diligent, and independent. Self-sufficient in all their needs, the only item they import is salt. As Buddhists they have a written language, and their monasteries, the centers of community life, accentuate group consciousness.

Post-Independence Turmoil

Under the British rule of justice, Karenni State was a protectorate state. The Karenni were independent, but were neglected by their feudal chiefs. Further north, the highland Pa-oh were incorporated in the federated Shan states. They were subjected to abuse, neglect, and misrule. The lowland Pa-oh in lower Burma, however, were given opportunities for advancement, although they did suffer discrimination by the more numerous neighboring Burmans and were looked down on as lowly peasants.
When the British gave Burma its independence in 1948, they allowed the Karenni to be incorporated into the independent Burma; this, however, was done without the consent of the Karenni people. When the Karenni refused to cooperate with the new independent Burma, Thakin Nu (U Nu, Burma's first prime minister) sent in his military police force to occupy their area. On 9 August 1948, the military police attacked the Karenni National Organization headquarters, which ignited a war between the Karenni and the Burmese government that continues to this day.
The Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO), a Karen tribal rebel force from Toungoo, rushed in to help defend the Karenni, and the Union Military Police, stationed in Shan State and composed mainly of Karens, Padaungs, and Pa-ohs, deserted their posts and returned to Karenni land to join the defense. (Both the Karenni and the Pa-oh are related to the Karen ethnic group.) The Pa-oh, under the command of Chan Zone, joined ranks with the Pa-oh guerrillas at Kyauk-ta-lone.
In 1949, on 31 January, Thakin Nu declared war on the entire Karen population. Although the majority of Karen are in lower Burma, the Karenni and Pa-oh are isolated in the north, occupied and holding all towns in Karenni (the Karenni State of Burma, also called Kayah State). In July 1951, from Toungoo, KNDO and Kachin troops seized Taunggyi, the capital of Shan State. This move was supposed to encourage the Shan chiefs to join in against the Burmese government. The Shan chiefs, believing that the Panglong Agreement would be binding, did not join KNDO. Their hopes were shattered when General Ne Win took over in 1962 and put them under arrest.

Fight Against Feudalism

Under the alien feudal authority, where there is no leader to stand up for the people, the Pa-oh continued to exist as a suppressed people. The only law over them was the law of the strongest.
Numerous public functions and festivals were organized to conduct public gambling, from which henchmen collected taxes and fees for their masters and took part for themselves. Opium cultivation was encouraged as a source of tax revenue. Every family was allowed to distill rice wine and whiskey for open sale. Gambling, drunkenness, and opium smoking were the roots of frequent and rampant robberies. Law and order as it existed under a democratic institution did not exist here.
The people lost all appreciation of social and moral values. Aimless and bewildered, they hoped for a better future and for social security for themselves. They wanted reform, but they needed leaders whom they could follow. The prime movers for reform were: Saya Daw U Thu Riya, the most influential abbot among the Burmese monks; Saya Daw U Htut Nandah, the noted scholar who recoined the Pa-oh written language; Saya Daw U Gandamah, the great national organizer and the torch bearer for the liberation from feudalism; and many reformists - lay people and monks alike-who joined the ranks in the fight against feudalism.
The Pa-oh set up a new headquarters at Kyauk-talone, where Pa-oh Hla Pe organized a new national organ, the Pa-oh National Liberation Organization (PNLO). An armed wing was formed. On 11 December 1949, PNLO declared war on the feudal lords of Nyaunghwe, Ban Yin, Hopon, Naung Mong, Ping Lone, Sanka, Mong Pong, Loi Lem, Mong Nai, and Mauk Mai.
Assisted by Phra Tan Nam Aw and Boh Chan Zone, Pa-oh Hla Pe, best known as Phra Bwah, soon rallied the people behind him. At first it was the Pa-oh against the feudal lords. In the early stages of the conflict, any PNLO member captured by the feudal levies was cruelly tortured and beheaded. The head was then displayed in the market for public view. This barbaric demonstration, instead of frightening the public, infuriated them. Soon all the peasants from the Shan, Taung Nyo, and In-tha ethnic groups joined the Pa-oh in the revolution.

Seeds of Discontent

The Burmese troops stationed in Shan State did not interfere in the fight between PNLO and the feudalists. They did, however, move south to fight the Karenni. With KNDO and mutinous Karen Rifles troops (formerly part of the Burmese Army) down from Maymyo in support, the Burmese enemy was defeated in the first two years. There was an esprit de corps among the defenders, many of them from lower Burma, until the enemy succeeded in infiltrating and sowing the seeds of discontent and suspicion through spreading a fifth columnist slogan that the "white Karen" were not wanted in the state. (Karenni is the Burmese appellation for "red Karen," and any Karen that is not red Karen is white Karen.) So KNDO and the Karen Rifles took leave of their posts and left Karenni State.
This disintegration of racial harmony was mainly due to the lack of responsibility and able leadership on the part of Saw Shwe, who was the chief of Karenni State and formerly of Kyet-po-gyi State. He was a weakling in spirit and very indecisive in principle. Richmond (KNDO), who had been with him from the start of the war, resigned from his commander post, and Boh Hla Win took over the military command.
As the relocation of troops and new defensive positions were set, a new military development occurred that upset Karenni stability. The Nationalist Chinese Kuomintang (KMT), which had "colonized" part of Shan State east of Salween, moved down in great numbers, each column containing an opium caravan of 200-300 animal transports. For a few months KMT occupied the Mawchi mines (massive tungsten and tin mines) and part of the Mawchi-Toungoo road as a token for taking over the defense of part of Karenni State. But when the Burmese Army in the north, from Kalaw, attacked Loikaw, the main town in Karenni State, these KMT deserted their positions and fled to Papun and southward to the Mon area. These KMT members for some years "colonized" Salween, the east sector of Shan State, right up to Laotian territory. They promoted opium trade and organized international markets. But as KMT strength decreased and their troops' morale grew low, gradually the Burmese government was able to control the whole country by 1956.
Saw Shwe and the Karenni stragglers, greatly diminished in number, retreated into the hills of Kyetpo-gyi State. Richmond (Tawplo), who had been exiled from Karenni, rejoined Saw Shwe. Once again dislocated persons were regrouped, a new military unit formed, and civil administration set up. During this period a group of KNDO remnants who had been fighting alongside PNLO rejoined Saw Shwe, who was also their chief. They were the Paku under Boh Special, elder brother of Tah Kaleh, presently chairman of the Shan State Nationalities Liberation Organization. This group brought down opium to open a market route through Kawthoolei. However, Saw Shwe and Richmond did not agree to this trade of opium in their jurisdiction, and a factional dispute developed into armed conflict.
In 1955 the enemy captured the Mawchi mines and for two years tried to reopen the Mawchi-Toungoo road. They did not succeed and the road is closed to this day, not due so much to the difficult terrain as the tenacity and determination of the people. Saw Shwe became ill with malaria and typhoid fever and died early in 1957. Richmond was made the head of Karenni State. Under him morale revived and the organization expanded among the other ethnics.
Brigadier Sein Win, commander of the Burmese Army in Toungoo, had some Karens trained in his military intelligence section. Two of these, Riki and Maw Taung Gyi, were dispatched to the Mawchi mines to lead the fifth column activity. Encouraged by the Burmese Army stationed in Mawchi, the two factions fought to control the area around the Mawchi mines. Richmond was assassinated one evening while resting on his portico talking to his family by a gunman hired by Maw Taung Gyi. In retaliation, Boh Special was killed in an ambush on the Mawchi-Pasaung road.
Then Saw Maw Reh, who had been captured in 1949, was released and rejoined Aung Than Lay. As a Karenni, Saw Maw Reh wanted to get in touch with his people and instill a progressive outlook. It was Aung Than Lay who rebuilt the fighting spirit of the people to continue the struggle against the enemy. This led to the formation of the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP).

Political Illusions

Up north, in close proximity to Karenni, the Pa-oh feudal revolution raged on. The death toll inflicted on the Shan feudalists was high, but higher still was the toll suffered by the Burmese Army, which sided with the feudalists at their request.
A peace overture was arranged between the Burmese government and PNLO. Requirements were the abolition of feudalism in Shan State, and local administration for the Pa-oh people where the majority of inhabitants are Pa-oh. The two demands were found to be liberal and democratic; on the question of disposal of arms, however, a compromise was reached to avoid the term surrender. On this pretext an "exchange of arms for democracy" was agreed upon and a peace accord was made in December 1958. One year later, the Sao Bwas of Shan State surrendered their feudal authority to become common people, but to the Pa-oh people it was a compromised peace.
The reorganization of the Karenni mass moved forward as Saw Maw Reh asserted his leadership and was nominated president of the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP). Although Aung Than Lay, being a Pwo Karen from the Delta, played second fiddle, he remains the prime mover in the Karenni armed forces to this day. Taking the cue from KNUP (the Karen National Union Party, a Karen rebel political group), KNPP adopted national democracy and made a covenant with KNUP, the latter being an elder brother of sorts.
When Ne Win seized full military power in 1962, all Pa-oh members of parliament were arrested and put in jail. Pa-oh Hle Pe was later arrested when he instigated a people's uprising in Mandalay. With nearly all the top-level leaders tucked away in jail, the junior leaders grew wary in their underground activities. The office of the United Pa-oh National Organization in Taunggyi stayed open, but this came to an end when Burmese colonel Aung Pe arrested the leaders in town during a meeting that he had convened. Boh San Thein, who was sick and did not attend the meeting, helped mastermind an escape to the jungles to start a new Pa-oh revolution from scratch.
In the reorganization of PNLO, Boh San Thein was handicapped when all the able leaders were arrested. He welcomed Sai Hla Mg, a Shan communist cadre who soon became friendly with Takaleh, a KNDO remnant from Karenni. Takaleh's prowess in military tactics lifted him to a position of military leader but made him vulnerable to political manipulation.
Then began a period of political illusion undermining Pa-oh national unity. Traditionally, the Pa-oh people have a strong attachment and a highly sentimental opinion toward the Karen, who in general aspect are their esteemed "big brothers." Right from the beginning these two tribal groups fought shoulder to shoulder in Nyaung Lay Bin and Diak-U (lower Burma), where together they occupied Taunggyi. After that, KNDO left the Pa-oh to fend independently. Alone and independent, they achieved victory over the feudalists and made peace with the Burmese government. When they could no longer tolerate the "Burmese Way to Socialism" (Ne Win's new economic system), they took arms and again fought the Burmese government separately from the Shan revolutionary groups, which had taken up arms against the Burmese Socialist Program Party (BSPP).
In the early 1970s, a split occurred between the Pa-oh nationalists and the leftists, and fighting broke out. Soon the more than 1,000 Pa-oh fighting force was divided to eliminate one another. This went on for two years, after which, at last, Takaleh's group, reduced to a minimum number, fled to Pang Sang to become a satellite of the Burma Communist Party (BCP), a large insurgent group.
Eventually, Takaleh, with 200 BCP troops, came back to Pa-oh area. The fighting continued until 1988, when Takaleh offered a cease-fire and promised to merge with the Pa-oh National Organization (PNO), which was organized when lowland Thaton area Pa-oh troops joined with the highland Pa-oh. This faction later deserted and surrendered to the enemy. When Pa-oh Hla Pe died, Aung Kam Hti succeeded him as president. Although they could contain BCP incursion and made some progress at the border in international contacts, they refused to collaborate with the Shan United Army (SUA) (Khun Sa's group, a militia involved in narcotics trafficking). In the mid-1980s, SUA attacked and occupied the Thai border area (which is suitable for heroin manufacturing), pushing out PNO.

The Will of the People

The history of Karenni resistance against the Burmese occupation of their tiny land is heroic when compared to the disparity and wide proportion of population. The Karenni population, not more than 300,000, is a plural community of several ethnics of hill Karen. They had very little encouragement under their own chiefs in the fields of social progress and economic development. For 40 years, however, they have stood together against Burmese occupation. Against such great odds, what binds them together is the singleness of will and the loyalty to the land they claim as their ancestral domain.
Within KNPP, a leftist faction - the young Turks, led by Thein Aung - prepared for a coup while Saw Maw Reh, a man with the ability to manipulate in times of crisis, managed to rise above the political turbulence and lead KNPP to a victory over the attempted coup. Within a week the young Turks were wiped out.
For many years KNPP made progress in financial income, but met with adversity due to lack of proper planning, never an easy task in wartime. It, however, has to pass through some years of depression, which is normal to every revolution.
In 1982 Saw Maw Reh relinquished his office and Phyar Reh took over as the new president. In any organization, when there is a change of leadership there is always a change of personality. This is true, too, with KNPP. There was more incentive taken in the field of foreign contact and an increase in communication with foreign sources with Phyar Reh's ascent.
The struggle of the people goes on relentlessly in spite of the world's indifference. The 40-year-old struggle against the Burmese occupation is long enough to subject the people to any unconditional surrender to the enemy. Only the unwavering will of the people continues, as they deny themselves personal comforts and undergo untold suffering in their temporary jungle settlements. In the civil war in Karenni State, thousands of porters are forcibly recruited and hundreds die yearly. The situation in 1989 is worse than ever; the mounting number of refugees, many fleeing to escape being recruited as porters, leaves families destitute, fields deserted, and cries unheard. The tribulations, the diseases, the deaths, the anguish, and the tears continue as the Karenni and Pa-oh people pray to God to end their suffering. All peace-loving nations are urgently called upon to make peace proposals, and to quote a verse from the Christian Bible: "Blessed are the peace makers.

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